Its been an off week. 'Off' as in I'm really tired. I haven't been motivated to do much of anything at all, and am pretty behind on a handful of things.
See also sucky.
Happy Friday!
I know. But let me just tell you about my week. I'll start with the bad, and round out the end with the better- how is that?
My babes. I haven't a clue what is going on with them, but they are bears right now. Not the sweet little sister cubs we all know and love. No way. Jolie is beside herself and a grouch with a capital G. SO not like that little girl, at all.
All grouchiness aside- because I can handle that.. its the whiney cries when I mention that its time to go to bed {random}, the fight to the death and blood curdling scream when I lay them down in their cribs {random}, and cries and cries and more cries {45 minutes to an hour's worth} and no soothing will do. Once we do finally go to sleep, they are awake on the hour. AND..and ready for the day by 5am.
What is happening here? I posted it out to my IG friends yesterday and one gal mentioned that her little was cutting his 2-year molars.
You better believe that I stuck my fingers in Jolie's mouth to feel around. I feel swollen gums on three of the 4. Houston. We've found the problem.
As the week has gone on, they are sleeping through the night and not fighting nearly as much to go down, but its the early early early mornings that I've come to dread.
Parks was up at 4:40am yesterday. Which means Jolie was also.
EVEN though they used to sleep through every single peep the other made.
Again I ask, what is happening here?
I can 100% appreciate the 8am rise and shine. Really I can. So bring it on back, girlfriend(s)
Until then, EARLY morning walks and breakfast smoothies are where its at.
Which brings me to my next point.
I mentioned in this post {HERE} that I have started blogging in the wee morning hours while my house is still asleep. Well, the wee morning hours are being consumed with baby snuggles (and who's complaining about that?!) which is why this blog-o-sphere hasn't seen the light of day for a week. Why do I feel so much pressure about that? My Type A personality has warranted list after list of ideas for upcoming posts.. being more consistent..
blah, blah..
In other words, I'll do better next week.
I dropped my phone {face down} after spending way too much time at Target {because it is the pit of temptation} and desperately digging for my keys whilst holding a squirmy toddler.
Thats a big fat cherry on top, isn't it?
After a trip to the Apple store, to wait and wait and wait.. feeling a tad claustrophobic and then be told my Apple Care is no longer is valid, but I can buy a new phone for **one million dollars** << thats what it felt like, anyway. holla if ya hear me.
Thank you Radio Shack for 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back, but I have a fresh screen.
It pains me to mention that this is my 3rd screen in just a few short months. I figure I would call myself out for fear of Jordan hijacking the blog to tell the world.
After typing out my pity party above, I've come to realize that my week isn't all so bad. I digress.
So, where's the good stuff?
Family stationary. Simple. Clean. SO in love.
Jillian of Bella Carta Boutique so sweetly made these perfect little notecards for me (my family). When they came in the mail this week I was finding every reason to mail one out.
She is offering up a $50 shop credit for the Twin Talk 2K Giveaway we have going on Instagram right now {@twintalkblog}.
She is also generously offering 10% off using the code LAUNCH10 in celebration of the opening of her new website today.
THIS came in the mail {its been a 'good' mail week}. My lovey hubby and bestest ever Ashley are throwing me a thirtieth birthday party. Technically I turn 30 on the 27th.. and honestly I haven't thought much about it.. What I have thought of was the gold glitter confetti that came flying out of the envelope enclosing the most perfect invite (another great work of CKFireboots).
This custom sign by Linen and Lace Shop. I had a vision, and Brittani captured it perfectly.
We are working on getting it hung above the stove top just right, and then I plan to share more on this, as well as the rest of my kitchen next week!
..and lastly.
I started with 'complaints' of motherhood, and I will end with it's praises. Last night {Thursday} was the first Aggie Football game of the season and while J was at the station, Ashley and Jarrett invited me and the girls to come over and grill burgers and watch the game.
I've been dying over football season to start, and here it is!
I needed this evening more than anything. Just me and my people. MY people. THE important ones. The perfect end to this less than stellar week. I am so tired, but so very much in love with my family - which is the most important thing on the planet. Who cares if I'm a tad behind on work/blogging/life.
347 pictures later.. this one is perfect.
custom headbow / @lovesugarbabycouture {instagram shop}
Happy Weekend sweetest friends. Potty training starts TODAY (I will keep you all posted, but refrain from sharing the mess I'm fearful of) and Homemade Pizza is for dinner.
Linking up High Five For Friday with the lauren elizabeth