While Jordan and I were in Mexico, Parker and Jolie had their own fun while Momma and Daddy were away!
Tuesday through Friday morning Jordan's parents (BB and Poppa) took care of the girls. Jordan's mom watches the girls during the day a couple times a week, so I'm sure it came easy for her with watching the both of them.
While we were gone, Bree made sure to email and post pictures to Instagram so we could see our sweet baby girls' faces. We were able to FaceTime some, but the WiFi connection at the hotel wasn't good enough to really hold a good connection. So we settled for silly pictures about a million times a day- my only demand;)
Fun in the bath! The guest bath has become the girls' bathroom and it has a standard tub/shower combo- but our master has the jetted tub and we have yet to put them in it yet. Parker and Jolie were extra spoiled and got to get their spa day on in BB and Poppa's bug bathtub!
Parker is so funny. She doesn't mind one bit having anything on her head (from bows to hats and the hooded towels). She will leave it whatever it is on forever, until you actually remove it. Kinda like this wash cloth.
Bath hair:)
They played..
Halfway through the week I saw this picture posted on IG. This is Sernie, Bree's grandmother. That would be Jordan's great grandmother and now Parker and Jolie's great GREAT grandmother. Thats TWO greats, folks. I adore this woman and she hadn't seen the girls since they were about 4 or 5 months old. I was so glad Bree made time to take the girls over for a visit.

love it.
Jarrett learned how to rise with the sun that weekend:) But nothing some good snuggling couldn't handle.
Layla love was extra careful with these littles. The girls, of course, were obsessed with her and watched her intently through the back door.
They went on 'family' walks
They used Uncle J as a jungle gym. Parker is attempting a round off back handspring in this photo.
They read the (early) morning paper together
They visited the Sea Life Aquarium
And per a million requests, they made the rounds to the in-laws.. both Jarrett's parents and Ashley's parents got in some good P&J time.
Sunday afternoon marked the opening game (non-preseason) for the Cowboys- and how could I ever doubt that my girls wouldn't be in head to toe Cowboy gear? They are their Auntie's littles, yes?
This is probably my favorite picture of all time. Ashley- totally frame-worthy.
My sweet happy girlThe Cowboys won their first game, so it is only natural that the girls wear and show their spirit for every game! #superstitious
What fun these girls had! I never doubted they were in good hand while we were away and I'm so thankful for amazing family and great friends.
I'm gonna plan the next trip- BB.. Ashley.. ya'll ready?
1 comment:
Looks like such a great time they had!! It's so nice to have family and amazing friends that love your sweet girlys as much as you do! ;)
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