The girls' 9 month birthday has come and gone.. and I have yet to even think about what to write to them.. and even take their 9 month pictures. I need to get on that..
But- for now, I will start with this weekend.
I work from home on Fridays and after a call I had scheduled that morning we took this little bit to see Dr. Butler. At her 9 month well visit (Sept. 9th) we found that she had a viral ear infection and a mild rash as a result- so we started her on antibiotics and all was well. The only indicator that she even had an ear ache was because she was pulling at her ear a little bit, but we would have never thought twice about it if we wouldn't have taken her for a check up. Neither Jordan or myself had even noticed the rash- but it was 11pm when we finally got home and their appointment was the next morning at 9am!
The rash progressively got worse over the course of the week, so we decided to go back to the pedi to see if we could get some kind of prognosis. We left with no prognosis except with the conclusion that she has had an allergic reaction to something and sadly we have no clue what. Over the past two weeks so much has been different (the girls ate store bought food for the first time, environment, exposure) we cant quite pinpoint the root cause. Dr. B says that an allergic reaction can last up to two weeks.. poor girl has some major redness going on, but Benadryl has helped tremendously with the irritation, but the bumps are still there. Waiting it out for now.. Doesn't seem to bother this smiling face, so that's a plus!
Saturday Jordan was at the fire station, as all was per the usual with me and my girls. Crazy messy faces with their morning solid meal. That morning it was blueberries and bananas!
After naps me and the girls headed to Blue Goose to watch the Aggie game with Ashley, Jarrett, and the Lally's (Ashley's parents). Of course Parker made the rounds and ended up in Jarrett's arms the majority of the time, causing nothing but ruckus.
Giving me sass..
This girl.
Sunday morning I was up early in attempts to get in a quick shower while the babes were still asleep- and lo and behold, my usual heavy sleeper decided she wanted to hang out with momma while she got ready for church. Sweetest little thing on the planet- she chatted me up while I did my hair and makeup.
Getting to church on Sunday morning is quite the event in and of itself. On this particular day we parked ourselves in the parking lot and while I fed the girls, Jordan went and stood in line for the child care classes to check the girls in.
While we were waiting for Jolie to finish up her morning meal, Parker serenaded us with her precious little voice and silly grins. I was dying at her silliness. This was actually the first time we left the girls in the baby room during church and in the words of the 'teacher' "They were angels!"
Good job girlies!
After church we ran to SAM's to grab a few things.. which almost always turns into a $100 trip. There is always more than what we came for in our basket by the time we get to checkout.
I am mildly obsessed with the double shopping carts at both SAM's and Costco- which always prompts a photo sesh.
Parks was over it at this point. I swear she rolls her eyes at me when I hold my phone 3 inches from her face and begin hollering her name to 'look at mommy!'
Jolie on the other hand.. this Looney Tune cracks me up. She was the grocery good inspector this day. Normally Parker has to have her hands on every thing that gets put into the buggy, patting it down before it goes into the cart, but Jolie took on that roll for this shopping trip.
After SAM's it was home for a quick change into our Rangers gear and off to the game! One of the MANY perks to my new gig.. Access to Rangers (baseball), Stars (hockey) and the Mavs (basketball). Leave it to me to nab tickets to the Rangers in my first official week of working there. We had great seats, and there was a slight breeze to keep up cool.
Because the game was at 2pm, the girls napped in the car on the way to the game and didn't get their normal 2 hour nap in the afternoon. This little was a sleepy head by the 6th inning- but I don't think her daddy minded to have her snuggle close.
This picture is a perfect example of Parker relationship with her monkey Wubbanub. She has yet to EVER suck on it like a paci, but holds it all night and for comfort through the day.. twirling the tags- which you can see by looking at the twirled tags on that monkey's bootie.
Hot HOT HOTTTTT it was yesterday- but its all good. I think having two fireball babies on your lap will raise the heat index by 100 any day.
We had a great time- even if that Rangers did end up losing. We couldn't seem to catch a break.. or a ball for that matter.
SO- officially my blogging break is over. In the process of collecting and organizing my pictures over the last couple of weeks to get them up for your viewing pleasure:)
Happy Monday, folks!

Congrats on the new gig girly!!! How fun and exciting! And I'd be snagging those baseball tickets asap fo sho! Always love the girls smiling faces in pictures. Too adorable. Can't wait to see vaca pics!
So glad you're back! I love your blog and always look forward to the super cute outfits of the little bits! I hope you had a wonderful vacation!
Congrats on the new job!!! I can't wait to hear about your wonderful vacation.
Congratulations on your new job! And so glad that you are back - your posts are my faves!
My 10 month old has been put on an antibiotic 2 different times now, and has broke out in a rash both times. Just something for you to watch out for if she ever needs it again. Congrats on the new job! Your girls are so cute!
I think your girls are absolutely the cutest twins! You are a lucky momma! I am glad to have found your blog =)
Excited you're back to blogging! I've been checking diligently for a new post every couple days because your little bits are my absolute favorite to watch grow and learn! Too much cuteness wrapped up in tiny little bodies! Congrats on the new job and welcome back to reality ;)
Glad the little bit is feeling better!
I'm curious if the antibiotics contributed to the rash, though.
For viruses, antibiotics actually don't do anything. They only work on bacteria. Some docs prescribe them just in case a secondary bacterial infection develops, but they're SO overprescribed that they lead to antibiotic-resistant superbugs. You just have to wait out viruses with painkillers and fluids.
Glad the little bit is feeling better!
I'm curious if the antibiotics contributed to the rash, though.
For viruses, antibiotics actually don't do anything. They only work on bacteria. Some docs prescribe them just in case a secondary bacterial infection develops, but they're SO overprescribed that they lead to antibiotic-resistant superbugs. You just have to wait out viruses with painkillers and fluids.
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