Truth be told, my girls are wild. Wildebeest does in fact seem to fit well.
prefix: wild
I must give them some credit because most often (if it means getting all eyes on them..) they will sit still and wait to be told how amazing they are.
During our pediatrician visits they patiently and quietly allow Dr. Butler to give them the 'once over' all while keeping momma in the corner of their eyes as to make sure I am actually watching how wonderfully they are behaving.
Parker picks up my phone and butters me up with a slobbery smooch before I can even say 'no ma'am, hand it over..'
Sister acts silly, breaks a laugh out of her daddy or me, and sister goon number two follows quickly behind.
This boast so well for picture taking. Hand holding, hugging, kissing, smiling.. they know how to make me (and Brittany) jump up and down like baboons and squeal with delight upon their doing such a thing. They eat it up. I'm not sure if THEY or WE are more in for the entertainment.
I actually don't care either way as long as we get a decent shot out of it.
We often plan our photo shoots right after they've eaten dinner and had a bath.. right around the time when my two wildebeest's lose their minds.
This night was no exception.
We three adults (Jordan, myself, and Brittany) gave out a good chuckle when Parker was being super silly and slithering her way to the ground. Out of that chair. Onto the itchy grass. Beaming the entire way through.
Her love for attention this night backfired on momma just a tad. These pictures aren't 'posed'- they are the attempt of posed. 457 attempts to be exact.
Although this is the case, I am absolutely in love with the light-hearted nature Brittany was able to capture. Parker. That smiley little thing. Jolie is typically the over-the-top outgoing one that finds everything hilarious.. but on this day, Parker had it down.
This sweet (strawberry blonde??) Jo Grace posed perfectly whilst the mother ship chased her crazy co-pilot in life around.. shoeless and drenched in sweat (I'm talking about her mother. Parker was refreshed and clean, of course).
..and finally Parker decided for about a 10th of a second to tame her wild hairs.
Everything about this outfit is amazing. I had perfect plans for pairing these bloomers, with those super fun shoes. Up until this point we have always always always worn moccs. Occasionally we wear a pair of sandals (We own just one style..), but for the most part we stick with the moccs for comfort and the fact that there is no velcro. Replacing shoes to toddler feet 23 times while running an errand (ONE errand.. if I'm out all day this number triples) isn't something I've got a whole lot of extra time for. You know? These are precious and super soft, and so comfy.. very similar to moccs, but a 'high-top' version. We've walk/run/trot in these things (outside, mind you) and they have held up great - plus they are very affordable - especially for those mommas with twin babies like myself. $60 vs $120.. ehhhh, I'll fair the cheaper route for the most part.
Moving up the outfit train to those tees. Like I said, I had an entire outfit planned and ready until they came in the mail the day before our shoot.
We officially became the brand reps for Trilogy Design Co (original photo shoot HERE) and I was ELATED to have Parker and Jolie chosen among a handful of other perfect babes and kiddos to represent the company.
There were over 3,000 entries.
Pretty sure this picture represents this baby tee to upmost perfection.
High five and a back pat to these two little birds for making our first 'rep' job a success.
The number one question {I} get asked is "how do you make then do that? Hold hands?? HUG??"
Truth: I dont. More truth? I DO try to pose them and briefly explain to them what mommy wishes for them to do, but the rest is up to those 19 month olds.. {and Brittany} to capture them in the most natural way possible. If you every get the amazing chance to work with her, you'll see what I mean.
The above and below pictures have already been ordered in canvas prints.
Of the thousands of pictures that I have, these have to be among my absolute favorites.
Leave it to these two to make the 9 minutes spent behind the camera worth 1,000 words.
7pm in the evening & just 9 minutes.
The magic numbers for a 19 month old (or two) in this house.
Very special thank you's:
headwrap c/o: Garden of Arden
Beautiful Mess tee c/o Trilogy Design Co.
bloomers c/o Lovey Lake
shoes c/o: Fledge Feet
photography c/o: B Faith Photography
{all props provided by the photographer}
SUPER exciting news for girl momma's swooning over those bloomers handmade by Leah over at Lovey Lake. Bloomers are all the rage right now, don't you know?
Remember when 3 Ladies & Their Gent offered a coupon code to her shop earlier this summer {HERE}? Well, she is ready to say BUH_BYE to summer, and hello to fall {my kinda girl}!
Use code "masseytwins25" for 25% off your entire purchase!
I already MAY have used my own coupon code to nab a pair {or two} of these..
..and these.
Shady? Nah.. bargain shopper I am.
See also: Mother of Twins

gosh they are just the cutest!!
I adore that top! It suits my daughter (15 months old) perfectly! Maybe I'll cut a corner or two and try to splurge :)
Oh Amber...they are so beautiful! I love watching them grow and seeing how much fun they have together. Super blessed momma!
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