These Massey's traveled to the Huey's Wednesday night for Thanksgiving Day in Austin. It was quite lazy, and I truthfully questioned even getting out of my PJs at all.. but I figured we would be taking pictures and thought it appropriate to put on something halfway decent.
Jordan taking pride is whooping Sam's tail in the neverending game of Speed. The occasional 'booo-yaaa' and 'Pshhhh- Woo-hoo!' became just background noise. Poor Sam. The 28 year old takes pride crushing the 13 year old in card games.
My mom and me taking a break from the day of cooking- We had a great time cooking together, and dreaming up things on our Christmas list.
Patrick and Kat came along with her little brother for some grub.
This would be my 13 year old brother. Always looking for that ray of attention- Could he be just like his big sister? NAHHHH....
My un-official 'roomie'
Jordan..attempting to force me to take a picture on my 'bad' side. I showed him.
Jordan pretending to grab.. well, you know. The pretending continued because my Mom couldn't stop laughing at him. That is just what he needs someone to egg the fireman on.
Something decent- no face-licking, chest grabbing, or goofy smiling- just normal. See how nice? This was attempt #4.
My Dad and me after our post-turkey naps.My HUGE Roomie. He is large. Stop growing, dude.
Jenna Bree..trying to steal my lipgloss. Make note of the firearms hanging on the wall in the back..draped with the multi-colored gun-shell Christmas lights. The authentic cow-hide stockings went up later in the evening..
Love this one. Seriously.
Roy eating cake.. His daughter's decided to catch him for a picture
When we finally couldn't stand it anymore with all the yummy smells and built up anticipation of waiting on that darndest bird to come out of the oven- we went out to the Bluff for some fun with the cam.
Never fails.. always someone gets a boob grab. Usually I'm the victim, but this time I grabbed Jenna's- total accident- but made for a great laugh.
Silly girls turned serious for a pretty picture :)
Look at Jordan's face? Why must he look at ME this way when he give me such grief when the camera is pointed to shoot? Please, son.Love this sweet man, anyway.
Weird siblings.
There we go- what handsome Massey'sAND finally- we didn't get out of this one without our infamous sexy face pose. We toooo too sexy.
After all this fun with the camera, it was finally time to get our grub on. Woogie (Jordan's grandfather) was about to set his mounded plate of food on the table when the side hit the tip of the chair and fell face down (perfectly, I might add) onto to table. Jordan then proceeds to tell him- "Who needs a plate, Woog? Just eat it off the table!" He listened. A laughing (crying, rather) Jordan took this picture, hence the blurriness. Granny caught us tell him to just eat up, and she fussed and scooped the food onto the plate with a spatula. True story.
I was going to post this on Sunday night, after all the Christmas decor was up and ready for picture-taking in our house, but that didn't happen..and neither did the Christmas decor. I was a pain in my husband's behind for almost three weeks, asking and asking again for him to pull down to decorations from the attic. After weasling out on multiple occasions, he finally decided to give in. I told him a month ago we needed to plan a time to pick out a new tree- we tossed ours last year. 'No we didn't. I remember putting it up there a couple months ago.' (Yes- 8 months to put the decor away in the attic.) Me: Jordan, we have no tree, I'm telling you. Jordan: Yes, we do. Then yesterday, he met me at the door after I had returned from my errands; 'We have no tree.' So, after running around to 5 stores and fighting the masses, we have a tree- not the tree of my dreams, but its a tree that will do this year. A tree still in the box, staring at me from the corner of my living room.
You will have your day Christmas Tree.. just not today :)