Disney Princesses? I know.. probably not my personality to choose these as a first choice, but when I was trying to figure out what they were going to be for their first Halloween I couldn't help but continue to come back to the most adorable little babies dressed as a princess. Pintrest- you defeated me. And a princess is just what they are.
If the shoe fits, right?
The girls were sort of unsure of all the tutu mess. We haven't ever been in an outfit like this.. the bows were fine- bigger the better (duh), but all that fluff and tulle- these girls were not amused and a little overwhelmed.
BB and Poppa were there for their first 'Trick or Treat' experience!
Caption could go either way here.. Jolie Grace isn't having it?
They were SO cute waddling around with their over-the-top tutus- you couldn't see their little feet at all, so it was like they were floating across the ground. I couldn't help but laugh! I think we all were. Parker was pacing the sidewalk totally unsure of what to think, and what in the world was the fuss all about??
OK! I get it! I'm totally precious!
Get. It. Off. Blech!
Jolie aka Belle of Beauty and the Beast
Parker aka Snow White
Everyone walks around with a giraffe in their pants, yes? Alternate ammo for baby amusement.
Picking out candy
Sisters turn
OF COURSE Auntie (Minnie) and Uncle J (Mr. Clean) were there.
Parks with her Poppa. She adores her Poppa!
Tulle for daaaayyyyssss
Princess status went straight the her brain. Sassy Pants.
So thankful for my bestest
Momma and Daddy with their little princesses!
What a FUN evening with friends and family. I was overly excited about this day.. I have a feeling it will continue for many years to come.. that is until they decide they are too big for momma to take them out and they take off in the dark, cell phone and a pillow case in hand.
Oh man. My ovaries are bawling.
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
Costume Tutus by Handpicked and Handmade on etsy
Princess Headbows by SparklesButterflies on etsy
they are just SO cute! i love their costumes! and I LOVE your outfit too!
Just precious!
Cute, cute, cute!!! And oh how I love Jolie's pucker lips princess expression. Adorable first Halloween. :)
Those outfits were too cute!
Loved spending their first Halloween with y'all! Xoxo!
Such cute little Halloween outfits!! Beautiful little family! :)
Pahaha! You're ovaries are bawling! You crack me up! :)
The babies are adorable as always! Tulle for days! :)
Man and Whife and Two Fur Babies
I am DYING of these adorable costumes!! How precious! You look adorable too!
Those girls are SO cute! My little one is 9 months so it's fun to see how yours are doing and what I have to look forward to!
so precious. Wonder what was going through their minds.
I can't get over how cute they are!
I can't get over how cute they are!
Oh my word, they are utterly adorable!!! Such a beautiful family :)
I love your hair with a slight curl! Tutorial??
I love your hair! Tutorial?
Where did you get your plaid shirt you are wearing!? Love it! :)
Where did you get the plaid shirt that you are wearing, love it! :)
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