Does that mean the outfit I choose it is what I wore on that particular Wednesday? Heck no. I m not that put together, people. I am currently rocking sleeping babies in their bouncy seats with my feet as I type. So, no.. it just means that I am posting on Wednesdays. Will I get a post up every Wednesday? Hopefully, but two babies, transitioning back to work, my sweet husband, and life in general will ultimately take priority. But, showing you that I am somewhat put together on most days will hopefully give confidence to other new mommas for their own sake. It is possible to have spit-up free hair and a full face of makeup- even though there have been many days these past two months that make-up and spit-up free hair did not happen- and I'm okay with that.
So- for my first official WIWW post:
Am I wearing this today? Nope.. I wore this on Sunday to church. One thing you will learn about me is that my my entire wardrobe is practically from Loft. I love and adore that store. Affordable, cute, and they ALWAYS have a sale. Always.
And this outfit.. LOFT. Everything was on sale, too:) I wear these boots all the time during the cooler months. I bought them three years ago and love wearing them just as much as I did the first time I put them on. They are so very comfortable and I get a ton of compliments. I seriously suggest investing in a pair of good boots you can wear with almost anything. I'm surprised they have lasted as long as they have.. I don't think I spent even $100 on them. Sweet!
bracelets: first Mondays Trade Days
It's clear I love the bangles. LOVE them. I'm also wearing my P&J necklace
There you have it. My first WIWW post success!
Linking up with Tucker Up, Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy, Get your Pretty On, and Rolled Up Pretty!
Happy Wednesday!