Graduation Day from Texas Women's University with my Bachelor's in Science in Dietetics and Institutional Administration. Go ahead, say that 5 times fast. I look like a BAby in this pic.. and my hair is like an ashy, reddish brown color. (never again.) This day started the beginning of one of the best summers of my life! I will always remember the fun I had.
Emotional rollercoaster of packet and application prep..hundreds of revisions, 6 letters of recommendation, personal letter, resume, last minute phone calls with requests to come for an interview the next day (out of state!)..With 4 places I applied to, I was so blessed to match with the perfect internship program for me, my top choice, here in Dallas at Presbyterian Hospital. The Hand of God was upon me, as always, in placing me in this program with over 100 other qualified applicants.
Day One with 7 amazing interns. That year, er, 11 months was so much fun!!! C'mon..our first picture together, we know nothing about one another at this point..except the basics.. and we take a pic as cool as this one :)
Graduation 2010--I cannot believe how fast time flew!!! I thought I would never get here!!
And..Now..Today :) I passed my exam!!! Studying paid off, thank goodness.
A VERY happy Amber Massey, RD
I think I'll go start a new book. Catch up with my book club friends. I've missed them. OR, go to the gym. I've missed the gym, too. Actually, how about a nap. Oh, a nap sounds nice..haven't had one of those in about 4 years. Yes, I think I'll nap. Where is my teddy and purple blanket..and I don't even have to worry about studying, projects, assignments, meetings..nothing.
Big fluffy couch, here I come