Wouldn't you know it- about 2 minutes later she threw up..and then again, and again..and along with her throwing up was heavy heavy panting and drooling. Her entire mouth and neck was soaking. Jordan and I didn't know what to do for her. This carried on until about 2am..and finally she stopped getting sick. At this point she couldn't walk, like her entire back end was paralyzed. We locked her in the bathroom in case she was sick again and went to try and get some sleep. 5am came very quickly- and her condition had not improved at all. Jordan was on his way to the station, so he decided to take her into our vet. Both of us were in tears. Crying and not understanding quite what was happening to our precious girl. It hit me that this was serious when jordan asked "Do you want to say goodbye?" I lost it. I was not ready to say goodbye!!! Not yet!!!!
Turns out that she had a stroke. In a matter of about 2 minutes her demeanor changed and on came this horrible neurological seizure. Nothing we could have done to prevent it at all. Our vet immeadiately began her on medications and antibiotics and it was just a waiting game at this point. By Wednesday morning her outlook was much improved. Jordan and I were sure we were going to have to put her down. She is 11 years old, and we were doubtful of her strength to pull through this. We brought her home, and although she was still very disoriented, she was Brittany. She was wagging her little tail and being our sweet girl! She has slowly gotten better and better- but she still is very weak and cannot move or stand for very long, but bottom line, she will be alright. Praise.
This is a video of Wednesday afternoon..she is a drunk dog, but our drunk Brittany dog :)
So thankful she is alright. I still get teary eyed thinking about the fact we almost lost the love of our life!