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We Eat | Turkey Meatballs & Guac

Guacamole.  My children do that grunt/laugh/cry thing that babies do if they are hungry/excited when they see me pull out the limes and avocados.

I am totally serious.  Can you picture my serious face?


My weekly grocery list always consists of precisely two bags of Haas avocados, 2 limes, 2 Roma tomatoes, 1 red onion, 2 jalapeños, and a bunch of fresh cilantro.  Theres your ingredient list! Now just throw all that in a bowl and call it guac-a-good.

Super easy.  Super fresh.  Talk about clean eating.
Moving on to the next amazing part of this meal.  
Turkey Meatballs.  
This momma had a super proud moment while shopping with two little birds.  
She whipped this recipe up in her brain on whim and hoped for the best.

20 ounces lean (97/7) ground turkey * 1 (8 ounce) can no salt added tomato sauce * 1 large egg * 1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs (you can also use ground oats or whole grain cereal) * 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese * 1 tsp garlic powder * pinch of salt and pepper

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  In a large bowl combine all ingredients until well mixed.  Prepare 1-inch meatballs and arrange them evenly spaced on a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet coated with canola cooking spray.  Spray the tops of the meatballs with canola cooking spray and bake for 25 minutes until no longer pink.

This recipe make 40 meatballs.  My little birds ate three each.. that means I had 34 left.  They freeze well, so I tossed the left overs in a freezer bag and away they went!  I pull out 4-6 at a time and pop them in the microwave to heat for about 30-45 seconds, and here we have another lunch or dinner.
We EAT | Three Turkey Meatballs and Guacamole on Whole Wheat Pita Bread
I always hope for a leftover nibble or two when we have this for dinner.  
I deserve a snack while I clean up their guacamole mess.. don't you know?
 Jolie will eat her weight in guacamole.  Here is my serious face again.
Chow time.  Clearly she hates it.   

Occasionally it takes some coaxing to get this little bird to eat meat of any kind.  
Once momma shows her it is yummy she will pick it up herself.

 The only thing about having guacamole for dinner..

I guarantees a bath.



We Eat | Cheesy Broccoli Mac

The girls are super into veggies.  

Not so much to meats, and not so much the pasta.  
Hardly at all.   

We are still working on their love for those things, but in the mean time I recently found that they will  gobble up an entire bag of this broccoli macaroni and cheese by Green Giant (Valley Fresh Steamers).  I usually buy the steamer veggie bags for myself to take for lunch at work (throw in some rotisserie chicken or deli turkey and you have yourself a meal!), but experimented with their tastebuds and they loved them!  

 Such a ham
Here.. have yourself some of my macaroni.  Parker..Always wants to share.
 Apple slices for dessert!  My children cry for apples any time they are in eye's view.  We have to rush through the 'apple section' of the produce area or else they are climbing out of the buggy to help themselves.

 Tart Apple Face
 The aftermath #alldayeveryday



Twinstagram Playdate II

For whatever reason this post went by the wayside!  At the beginning of January Parker, Jolie, and their daddy went with me to meet up with our other twin momma friends (found via Instagram!) for the second Twinstagram Playdate 

After posting it on Instagram (@masseya) we had plenty of response and interest to come along!  We had SIX sets of twins- that's twelve babies.

Someone call the news.  We should of.  It would have been a great story.

An attempt to get everyone together.. bouncing adults proved to be more of a sight to see than those 12 babies lined in a row.
I swear Ashley's kids are the most jolly babies I know.  ALWAYS a smile across their sweet faces. 

Erika's and Krista's babes!

TOO much sweetness going on in this picture.  Noelle & Keegan Lee

Kate & Annelise Robbins - cutie girls!

LayLay and Parker.  We plan to share this picture in the slide show at each other's wedding. 

My sweet Jolie Grace

Miss Parker.  These girls were LOVING being outside.

Sloaney and Parker- they were being so sweet to each other! I really love watching our babies interact and play.  I get the benefit of having my girls play together all the time, but there is something about they idea of them bonding with others outside of the two of them that makes it more special.

Cheesin' It Up!  Sloane understands the idea of "smile for the camera!"  Good job, Mere.

Jude Sullivan- among the minority of the group.  He was loving it though. 
Quite the ladies man {err.. dude}

Again.. cant get enough of the Haynes kiddos.

Harper and Sloane.  Another sweetness overload for the book.

Our Group.  It was a fun (and busy busy) afternoon at the park it was.  If only afternoon naps didn't have to break our party up.  We are all conveniently on the same schedule, so it worked out that we all left at the same time! I realized that our kids are just a few months of each other in age- so this is going to be really awesome growing up.

All off us girls were glad the dad's made time to come out to play, too!  I've developed relationships with these ladies via social media, and I wanted Jordan to see that I wasn't completely crazy for calling some of my greatest friends people that I have never met face to face but a hand full of times.

He agreed.  They're alright.



Supper Club 2010-2014

Hey, I want to start a Supper Club..  Want to partake?

Supper Club has come a long way from the random group of people thrown together for dinner one night by my sweetest Ashley.

Wayyyy back pre-babies (we were babies) Our first Christmas together in 2010.
Then the Lallaway's became the Dunaway's in 2011
Photo Booth fun with these crazies.  I still laugh-till-I-cry when I look at this picture.  Jacqueline's very pregnant belly did not fit into the booth.  I was sitting on the right knee of Travis and the left knee of Chris- and how we fit a grown man (Jordan) in the front is beyond me.  My word we've had some good times.

Fourth of July 2011 Baby Landon was just a few weeks he's about to be THREE.
Supper Club at the Massey's- we planned our first trip together on this night..
..and then took that trip in October 2011: Broken Bow Bonanza.  THE most perfect weather you could imagine.  Such a good time!

Christmas Traditions being made: Christmas 2012
Celebrating Birthdays: Jordan turned 30 in 2012!
St. Patty's Day 2012- One week before going on Clomid to start the process of getting pregnant.  Diana and I had a serious conversation about getting pregnant on that day.. one month later (April 8th & April 10th) we would both become pregnant within 2 days of each other:)
Maine Lobster.. shipped fresh (and ALIVE) from Maine!  We do Supper Club right!
More birthdays!  Landon turned ONE in June 2012
Another trip.. this time to Cedar Creek Lake.  Our Gender Reveal.  Jarrett is clearly excited to find out that Baby A is a girl.

Dude.. wait till you bite into the second cupcake;)
I loved sharing this special time with these people.
These girls threw me the most amazing baby shower.  I was overwhelmed by the amount of thought they put into it celebrating my sweet Parker and Jolie.
The next day it was time to celebrate baby Jacob!
Jacqueline turns 30! Final Supper Club at our house before the girls arrived:)
Celebrating baby Juliette.  Adding another baby girl to our group!
..And here we are- 2014. Our group went from 4 young couples to seven (30 year olds - mind you.. I won't be 30 until September!) and FOUR babies.
We may be on a downward slope to mid-life, but we are still young at heart.

LOVE these people.

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