For whatever reason this post went by the wayside! At the beginning of January Parker, Jolie, and their daddy went with me to meet up with our other twin momma friends (found via Instagram!) for the second Twinstagram Playdate
After posting it on Instagram (@masseya) we had plenty of response and interest to come along! We had SIX sets of twins- that's twelve babies.
Someone call the news. We should of. It would have been a great story.
An attempt to get everyone together.. bouncing adults proved to be more of a sight to see than those 12 babies lined in a row.
I swear Ashley's kids are the most jolly babies I know. ALWAYS a smile across their sweet faces.
Erika's and Krista's babes!
TOO much sweetness going on in this picture. Noelle & Keegan Lee
Kate & Annelise Robbins - cutie girls!
LayLay and Parker. We plan to share this picture in the slide show at each other's wedding.
My sweet Jolie Grace
Miss Parker. These girls were LOVING being outside.
Sloaney and Parker- they were being so sweet to each other! I really love watching our babies interact and play. I get the benefit of having my girls play together all the time, but there is something about they idea of them bonding with others outside of the two of them that makes it more special.
Cheesin' It Up! Sloane understands the idea of "smile for the camera!" Good job, Mere.
Jude Sullivan- among the minority of the group. He was loving it though.
Quite the ladies man {err.. dude}
Again.. cant get enough of the Haynes kiddos.
Harper and Sloane. Another sweetness overload for the book.
Our Group. It was a fun (and busy busy) afternoon at the park it was. If only afternoon naps didn't have to break our party up. We are all conveniently on the same schedule, so it worked out that we all left at the same time! I realized that our kids are just a few months of each other in age- so this is going to be really awesome growing up.
All off us girls were glad the dad's made time to come out to play, too! I've developed relationships with these ladies via social media, and I wanted Jordan to see that I wasn't completely crazy for calling some of my greatest friends people that I have never met face to face but a hand full of times.
He agreed. They're alright.

This post makes me smile! :)
That's incredible!
the whole group is beautiful!
what is up with these super trendy babies!? I don't even dress that cute. darling little kiddos(:
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