These babies..
..growing at hyper-speed
..coming into their own this 13th month of their little lives
..a complete 180 from month 12.
Jolie Grace
Has turned into the sweetest little girl on the planet.
..her demeanor is beyond anything I can describe in words.
..she loves loves loves her puppy(ies)
..she has two now.. I guess we didn't do so well with having an extra if one gets lost {oops}.
..refuses a paci- actually thinks its hilarious to put one in her mouth.
..but sucks her thumb when she's sleepy or upset.
..In the same moment she is so patient, so sweet, so gentle.
..and then she'll grab your nose and attempt to rip your face off {not kidding}.
..and then she laughs and runs away- arms flailing in the air.
This girl sleeps 12 hours a night {angels SING}.
..naps like a champ {two 2-hour naps at 10am and 3pm}.
..eats like a bear cub; scoop and shovel is her mentality.
..she is lucky if anything reaches her mouth.
..guarantee a clean plate anytime fish sticks, broccoli, mandarin oranges, pears, & waffles are served.
..particularly piggy when she eats guacamole, pizza, or peanut butter.
..will choose the veggies on her plate before touching the meat.
..unless its a fish stick.
Currently cutting her sixth and seventh tooth {hello, first year molars!}.
..but you wouldn't even know it {always a happy, happy girl}.
..absolutely crazy brained and will carry on ridiculously just to get a rise out of her Daddy or me.
..will sing and dance to any tune that comes across the radio or television.
..most of the time she will sing along, too.
..I'm telling you. Nuts.
Has become so sweet to her sister.
..hates to hear/see Parker cry and will find and bring her Wubby & paci to soothe her.
..and {again} in the same moment yank the paci from her mouth and take off running.
Her laugh is contagious.
..her smile is super cheese-y.
..puts perfection to shame with her stick straight, bed head hair.
..and her eyes are the most beautiful in the sunlight.
sweatshirt / Old Navy {sold out} // hair bow / Jameson Monroe
infinity scarf / c/o Erin Olson // hairbow/ Jameson Monroe
hair bow / Jameson Monroe // sweatshirt / Old Navy {sold out} // leggings / Carter's // anthrofelt moccs / FAAS Designs
play tubes / IKEA
custom head bow / Ruby Blue Inc // cardigan / Cherokee via Target
tunic / OshKosh // leggings / Nordstrom // boots / Old Navy {sold out}
Parker Jane
This girl, Parker. such a momma's girl {still}.
..loves to cuddle more than anything and will find any reason to get up into your arms {still}.
..has a very loud and attention demanding personality {from WHO does she get that from?!}
..throws tantrums like she is 2 {stomping her feet, throwing herself down, rolling on the floor}.
..has become quite reliant on her Wubby and paci.
My sweetest baby girl still wakes up throughout the night.
..multiple times- especially when she is teething.
I've learned not to pick her up and to just give her the paci and Wubby and rub her head for a second. If I pick her up, even just once, there is no laying her back down.
Speaking of those terribly mean ol' teeth..
..she is currently cutting her sixth and seventh teeth {molar}.
..and suffers from every side effect you can imagine {fever, drooling, cranky, loss of appetite, gnawing/chewing on everything, sleepless/restless- you name it, we got it.}
Miss Parker is a pretty picky eater.
..unless its a dinosaur shaped chicken nugget or fish stick.
She will try almost anything, but usually won't take a second bite.
..unless you serve pears, mandarin oranges, bananas, pizza, sweet potato fries, or deli ham.
..she's a meat eater-thats for sure.
..eating just one little piece at a time, and hates to get her hands dirty.
..LOVES milk {organic whole milk}.
While she has a serious 'tude at times..
..she has the silliest personality when she wants to share it with you.
..her eyes disappear into her cheeks when she smiles big {momma feature number 21935720252}
..and will find any reason to carry around my purses, scarves, bracelets, and necklaces.
..stacks everything.
..loves puzzles.
..and separates her food.
Her best friend is Jolie..
..she talks her head off all day long.
..she is the best helper.
..finds the tiniest piece of lint on the floor just to take it to the trash can.
..loves to hear momma and dad tell her 'good job'.
..she has baby curls forming as her hair gets fuller and thicker in the back.
..the softest round belly.
..and the most kissable cheeks.
My mini- I adore you.
This girl, Parker. such a momma's girl {still}.
..loves to cuddle more than anything and will find any reason to get up into your arms {still}.
..has a very loud and attention demanding personality {from WHO does she get that from?!}
..throws tantrums like she is 2 {stomping her feet, throwing herself down, rolling on the floor}.
..has become quite reliant on her Wubby and paci.
My sweetest baby girl still wakes up throughout the night.
..multiple times- especially when she is teething.
I've learned not to pick her up and to just give her the paci and Wubby and rub her head for a second. If I pick her up, even just once, there is no laying her back down.
Speaking of those terribly mean ol' teeth..
..she is currently cutting her sixth and seventh teeth {molar}.
..and suffers from every side effect you can imagine {fever, drooling, cranky, loss of appetite, gnawing/chewing on everything, sleepless/restless- you name it, we got it.}
Miss Parker is a pretty picky eater.
..unless its a dinosaur shaped chicken nugget or fish stick.
She will try almost anything, but usually won't take a second bite.
..unless you serve pears, mandarin oranges, bananas, pizza, sweet potato fries, or deli ham.
..she's a meat eater-thats for sure.
..eating just one little piece at a time, and hates to get her hands dirty.
..LOVES milk {organic whole milk}.
While she has a serious 'tude at times..
..she has the silliest personality when she wants to share it with you.
..her eyes disappear into her cheeks when she smiles big {momma feature number 21935720252}
..and will find any reason to carry around my purses, scarves, bracelets, and necklaces.
..stacks everything.
..loves puzzles.
..and separates her food.
Her best friend is Jolie..
..she talks her head off all day long.
..she is the best helper.
..finds the tiniest piece of lint on the floor just to take it to the trash can.
..loves to hear momma and dad tell her 'good job'.
..she has baby curls forming as her hair gets fuller and thicker in the back.
..the softest round belly.
..and the most kissable cheeks.
My mini- I adore you.
hair bow / Jameson Monroe // sweatshirt / Old Navy {sold out} // leggings / Carter's // anthrofelt moccs / FAAS Designs

Momma loves you girls!!

I just LOVE them! So gorgeous, and so full of personality!
so funny how different they are. beautiful beautiful girls. I love jolie's peace out selfie. gorgeous.
So much personality and cuteness in 2 adorable packages! :)
It is so amazing how different the girls are! Adorable as ever!! They are going to love reading these one day! I'm loving writing my "letters to baby" in hopes of them reading them one day! Such a sweet keepsake!
So sweet! It really is amazing how different they are. Love the pictures!
So great! I have 4 month old ID twin girls and it just melts my heart to watch your girls grow and become best friends, knowing that's in my future. They are adorable.
All of their pictures are gorgeous and they make me want to have a girl more than life itself! (I have one perfect boy who is a few days younger than P & J). My favorite is the picture of Jolie where she appears to hold up the peace sign. I know having twins is double duty on every front, but sometimes I wish my little had a twin to be best friends with!
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