Being pregnant this go round hasn't been much different than when I was pregnant with Parker and Jolie. You would think that a single pregnancy and a twin pregnancy would be SO different, right? Not for me - not yet, anyway. I know that this belly wont be NEAR as heavy at 26 weeks than the one I carried around before.. so that's a plus, right?
I'm sharing my first trimester basics/favorites for the first 14 weeks with this growing belly.
1 // Leggings (favorite options HERE & HERE)
I've not always been on the leggings train - even pregnancy the first time around for me I didn't wear them a ton. But it was AFTER I had the twins that I decided leggings were most definitely for me. I LOVE them all, and have found the wide waistband HUE leggings at Nordstrom to be a favorite all year round, and for these color months, White Plum's fleece lined leggings are to die for. Super cozy, and just enough room to house my teeny bump comfortably. Leggings=pants. Legit. Just saying.
2 // Victoria's Secret PINK! Seamless Bralette
I wore VS's yoga bralettes during my first pregnancy, and happened across these while looking for some new. I only bought one just to try it out - and went back the next weekend to grab a couple more. I've been living in them (work/lounge/sleep) - so comfortable! My regular bras are not really comfortable to wear right now - nearly too small - and this bralette keeps my growing ladies under control and I'm still able to wear some of my non-maternity tops without feeling like I have to apologize to the people around me for near misses of exposure. I have a rather small chest to begin with (usually a B cup) so when I'm sitting pretty in a DD, I am at a loss with what to do with them! Thank you VS.
3 // Gap Pure Body
Never came out of these. Almost 3 years later they are my most favorite layer tanks and tees I own. Talk about comfort and feeling confident in a form fitting tee - something postpartum I never thought I would be saying. Getting great use out of them already - and I know this will be a favorite to last me through this entire pregnancy.
4 // eos Lip Balm
I'm not sure if its the cooler weather and dry air, or what, but my lips have been chapped since I became pregnant. Loving this stuff (and so is Jolie - she follows me around asking). I put it on before I go to bed at night (and every hour before that it feels like), and I my lips are still soft (and not burning) in the morning.
5 // Honest Prenatal Complete One-A-Day
Every day. For whatever reason, I absolutely HATE taking my prenatal vitamins. So much so that after my last miscarriage in October I stopped all together to allow myself a 'break'. I was so tried of taking anything. But these are easy on my tummy, and are delivered right on my door step. I brought them with me the first time I saw my OB since becoming pregnant to have her give it a once-over and she approved! Easy on my tummy (I can take it on am empty stomach without problem). I have also taken their Whole Food Prenatal and love it just the same, but you take three over just one.
6 // Honest DHA/Omega-3
Little tiny soft gel pill to compliment my prenatal. Easy on the tummy, too!
7 // Special K Hot Cereal
I have been SO loving this stuff! Oatmeal is a favorite of mine, but when I spotted these in my grocery store, I knew I had to try them! Loads of fiber (FIVE grams) and protein (7 grams) in that little container. I eat it for breakfast, snack, and occasionally dinner if I'm totally over what I've made, ha! That has happened more than once, I tell you.
8 // Zoe Organics
I was so pleased to have the opportunity to try Zoe Organics. I have used coconut oil, and also the Honest belly butter- and loved both, but Zoe is great. I never got stretch marks with the twin belly, and don't plan for it this go round.. but my belly itches like mad ALL the time. The belly butter and belly oil is amazing. Super soft, and doesn't have a smell at all (I prefer that). The thing about coconut oil right out of the jar is that it is a complete mess most of my clumsy time.. BUT, Zoe Organics' belly oil has a little spout top allowing me to squirt it right into my hand for easy and non-messy application. Refresh Oil has been a super simple answer to my waves of tummy issues or anxiety. I don't have nausea on a regular basis, but if ever I do, a little roll behind my ears seems to do the try. I'm no oil expert, but I have really liked this stuff.
What about you mommas-to-be or already have been? Have any first trimester favs??

I'm with you on the leggings. Hated them pre-pregnancy and now they're about all I wear 18 months post partum. So excited to find out what you're having! I hope you're doing well.
I second leggings! I pretty much live in them!!
I second leggings! I pretty much live in them!!
leggings and sports bras are pretty much my life. I need to try VS'! I've been using gap and those are pretty dang comfy too.
Do you find that coconut oil helps with the belly itching?
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