Monday started out with a visit to the perinatologist and a peek at this sweet little thing.
I'd like to start all my weeks out this way. Just saying.
I may even go so far and ask my OB to move in. Maybe overstepping, but I think she would take me up on the offer.
Dinner made it to the table not just once, but twice this week. I always let the girls help me in the kitchen when making pizza, and this time it turned into a herbal war and cilantro was everywhere..
Letting them be little, right?
BBQ Chicken Pizza is always a hit in our house.
Mail days couldn't get any better this week until I got THE most amazing little box from Jessica Numbers. If you know me and the hubby at all, you know that at any given time we have 11 creamer options in the door of our fridge, and things like coffee mugs and fancy stir spoons are swoonable.
In the land where 'swoonable' is a word.
Thursday was National Bubble Bath Day (totally legit - Bath & Body Works informed me via the gram)
In the land where 'swoonable' is a word.
Thursday was National Bubble Bath Day (totally legit - Bath & Body Works informed me via the gram)
After a morning of mess and a random allergic rash all over Jolie's belly (what else can you throw at me? Bring it.) We decided on a morning (because we hadn't even hit 'mid' yet) bath to start the day. Normally they are absolutely terrified of bubbles (and anything else floating in the tub that is not supposed to be there - if you catch my drift..), but this morning they loved it!
On this Friday we have great plans to spend it together as a family. Even if it is just a run to Costco - it should be an amazing day. Costco, their double carts, and enormous cartons of strawberries makes any day amazing.
Happy Friday!

They are both so cute! You have great big sisters!!
The cutest - can't wait to find out what you are having!
You have such adorable girls...can't wait to see how incredibly beautiful their sibling will be!
A bubble bath can make any day better! As long as nothing suspicious starts floating around! :)
OMG..I'm head over heels with that spoon! Are there others than the coffee one? We aren't coffee drinkers other than my mother here. LOL.
Ruling the Ortiz Kingdom
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