If you are like my husband - you are kicking and screaming at first glance of the post title (love you, hunni), but let me assure you.. I haven't forgotten anything.
A rather strained conversation was had on the way home from church yesterday and continued after I politely asked for him to pull down the Christmas tree and 'stuff' from the attic.
'...Jordan. Just DO it...'
He wasn't buying it.
So many IMPORTANT things happen pre-Christmas holiday that we absolutely cannot forget.
Hello mashed potatoes, broccoli rice, green bean casserole, buttermilk pie, buttery dinner rolls, Aunt Beeki's tamale cornbread..
I am weird about poultry, so the bird of the year gets the tee-ninsy-est place next to the mashed potatoes. Clarify: Chicken is great, fine, okay..but turkey.. I'm talking about the 'real' kind, not out of the deli section at Walmart. It's just not my thing.
Thanksgiving is THE best (eating) day of the year.
OH. And the cutest twins on the planet (I am biased, of course..) celebrate the best day of their (my?) lives on the 6th of December.
Not to mention the elaborate decor, lights, MUSIC, cheesy TV movies (the mother in law is excellent about DVR'ing ALL the Lifetime '..I'll be home for Christmas, but not without drama..' movies.)
Christmas shopping (I'm a pro online..)
Warm drinks.
Decadent dessert - only because it is (right around) Christmas.
Time with family. The best part.
HOW very excited am I to bake and decorate sugar cookies with my sweet littles. The hundreds of homemade iced cookies and deliveries to friends and family that came out of my mom's kitchen growing up is something that I cannot wait to share with Parker and Jolie.
The idea of Christmas is wonderful. The REASON for the season is number One.
But.. lets not rush. Lets hold on to this time of year for as long as these next 44 days will allow.
knit beanie / sweet eloise designs
jammies / target

I miss yall and those sweet faces! Xoxo
Love this time of year and love that you are getting the season underway!
Love the outfits! My husband is also gagging at the xmas music blaring at the mall "already" lol
OMG you sound like me! i've already got my Christmas decorations down, now I'm just taking my time putting them up and cannot WAIT to get a tree. and can I just say how many times we've made your bbq chicken sweet potato recipe in the last month? 4 and counting...it was my husband's bday dinner request. ha!
Oh, no.... I have to agree with Jordan on this one. ;) Don't get me wrong, I LOVE everything Christmas but not until the day after Thanksgiving. :)
lovelove LOVE their jams!
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