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I feel the same.  

three days ago I hit the big 3-0 and it actually hasn't hit me yet.  isn't this age supposed to be THE age that everyone stresses about?  my 29th year was so good, I'm just waiting for 30 to top it.. and I am pretty sure it has the potential to.  

this year was much different then the birthdays in year's past.  there was lots of celebration.  not to say I never celebrated my birthday - there is always a celebration dinner of some sort, and usually dessert in the form of a cake - but the last several years we have had so much join on in our life that my birthday comes and we be like 'oh, hey birthday.. we meet again..'

the week before my birthday I randomly called into to our local radio station hoping for the chance to win concert tickets to poptopia 2014.  I am not a 'super fan' of all those that were going to be there, but I still thought it would be fun to win and go.  
ya'll.  I won.  seriously - I never win anything.  and then they put me on the radio.  thank goodness my teeny-bopper age and screeching voice has past or I would have been crying like a little girl.
I'm thirty, after all.

so, Wednesday night we arranged for a babysitter (thank you, BB), and headed to dinner at Maggianos (favvvvvorite) and stuffed our faces to the brim with pasta and zucchini frites.  I happened to have worn a pair of 'just buttoned' jeans, and I regretted every step I took to the car in discomfort after dinner.  I was full.
Phillip Philips pretty much rocked it.  he put on a great show.  there were a few other bands there, but he was the best.
dallas morning news was there taking 'nightlife' photos and so there wasn't an awkward 'will you take a picture of us..?' to perfect strangers this go round.  
and I'm glad because I hate that.
thursday night we headed over to the Massey's for dinner.  every year Bree does her very best to cook the birthday person a meal and offer up the opportunity for the family to get together to celebrate.  
after dinner I blew out candles on a homemade cake (caramel pound cake - yum!) 
the girls got their first experience with birthday candles.  we opted out of those last year for their first birthday, but I think we will actually do the candles this year.  they thought it was so fun!
saturday was my actual birthday (the 27th).
I slept in (until 8am), and woke up to coffee in my favorite mug and talks of brunch where ever my heart (and tummy) would take us.  if you know me, these kind of celebrations are my favorite.
I love running weekend errands with my family.  not sure why, but I seriously look forward to that with these guys.
we started the morning with brunch on the patio at Brio.
here we awkwardly asked the guy that was filling everyone's water if he would mind snapping a photo.  I got out of that once, and I suppose, birthday or not, there was never a chance to get out of that a second time in a row.    
brunch was fantastic.  in fact- I'm still thinking about this bruschetta quattro, and the omelet I enjoyed, and the bites of french toast I stole off of Jolie's plate.
when they brought out the meal, I ordered two of the kids' entrees, and requested that they split it.  good gracious that 'child's plate' was massive.  and less that four bucks, might I add.  where can you go and eat like that for $4?? 
and mom of the year forgot forks, so they ate with the 7 pound silver utensils until they finally gave up and used their hands.
after brunch I was so set on attempting a photo with my girls.  No one is looking.  Fail #1.
We moved on to another spot and I thought maybe we could try again..
Jolie is always always always so laid back and carefree, she basically does whatever I ask her to do.  so, she was photo ready..  
headwrap / ruby blue inc // top / zara // pants / old navy // moccs / freshly picked
mom & mini bracelets / hazel love design co.
watch / fossil // sweater / loft (similar) // pants / gap
Parker on the other hand is my sass-fab diva, and she wasn't having pictures.  the girl was over it before it even began. Fail #2.
necklace / hip chixie
costco was on our list of errands to run.
random errands on my birthday = perfection.
I know- strange.
but there were snackkkks
after a few more stops (mall, old navy, sonic happy hour) we headed over to the Tapella's house for Supper Club. Jacqueline had so sweetly asked Jordan what my favorite meal and dessert was.. and she nailed it.  shrimp and chicken pasta (carino's style), french bread, and salad.
we officially have a 'kid' table.  that has freaking precious written all over it.
after dinner it was time to blow out my second set of candles this week.
a family affair.  love. it.

that night was extra special because I feel like (and I think we all agree) that this was the first time our kids actually played together, and not just around each other.  Parker and Landon are two peas in a pod (we are in trouble), and Jolie was having a ball with her sweet buddy Jacob.  watching my kids play with our life friends was some kind of satisfying.  
I can't wait for many more years (and babies!) of this.

sunday was low key.  we were all tired from the weeks' activity, and needed some relaxation.  we have been in talks for nearly 6 months about building an outdoor living area - notice I didn't say patio.. ya'll its a living area.  we have even had to scale it down three times after bidder after bidder came back with outrageous estimates.  
Jordan has big dreams, and he thinks and dreams all day.  
all day.  and then unloads all his dreams in the 11 minutes after I walk in the door in the afternoon. 
ANY-way, so we have this.. 
started on Sunday morning just after 8am, and finally around 4pm they called it quits.  
they actually ran out of wood. 
I'm laughing as I type this, because I'm hearing my husband right about now.. 
'what have we gotten ourself into?'
no.  do not rope me into this. it was all you, buddy.
but I am loving it.  it will be amazing one it is all finished, and I cannot wait to share it with you!
Parker and Jolie hadn't been out on the patio since we poured the concrete earlier in the week, so they were having a heck of a time running wild.
finally I could make them sit for half a second with the bribery of pumpkin spice m&m's..
and sonic ice.
Parker be like "gimme all the candy, ma"
personalized yoga pants / kennedy's collections
they are doll babies.  I cannot get enough of them and their sweetness.  

the celebration isn't over.  my sweet friend (and party planner) Ashley and Jordan have been working their little tails off to throw me the best 30th birthday party everrrrrr, and that is this weekend.. and of course you'll get a full recap next week.

thirty.  bringggg it, yo.

don't forget to enter for your chance at a $200 Visa gift card and Dr. Smith's prize pack (HERE)!



A Few Words to My 'First-Time Mom' Self | GIVEAWAY

I think we've all had these moments.  
You know, those 'ah-ha.. man I wish I knew then what I know now..' moments. 

While I was pregnant with Parker and Jolie, I was going to be a Perfect Mother.  I had THE Perfect Plan to raise my girls into THE Perfect Children - Now thats some pressure.  I had the sole responsibility to welcome two little girls into this self-professed perfect life.  

What a lie. 

Shortly after being placed on bed rest at 26 weeks pregnant , I was told I was 'the most compliant patient I've ever had' by my OB..  thats because this was all going to go as planned- I am a Perfect Mother, didn't you know? 

Shortly after we brought the girls home, there was many a times of screaming (not just crying, but screaming), hunger, non-sleep, and then there was the diagnosis of Jolie's torticollis.  Which I didn't even notice at all whatsoever until their pediatrician pointed it out within minutes of their 2-month check-up. I refused any help from others, and never took the naps they say you are supposed to take for fear I would 'miss' something.  I remember bawling my eyes out after Jordan suggested that he offer bottles of pumped milk to the girls while I took a nap. What was he thinking?? What kind of Perfect Mother would allow that??!  

I tried so very hard to fill this lie of 'perfection'.  I was confident, and felt sure of myself in all that I was doing, but found it hard not to compare myself to other mothers and their kiddos.  
That first year or so of the girls'  life was exhausting.  Then it finally clicked.  I don't know when, or how, or why but I finally felt natural in my roll as a mother.  I took a chill pill and came to the simple realization that It was never my job to be a Perfect Mother.  It was my job to care for these girls the best I know how, and that was 'good enough'. 

My girls have fallen off the bed while in arms reach..
..endured the worst of all diaper rashes (thank goodness for Dr. Smith's!). 
..cried because I had to leave for work.
..demanded candy or sweets and I've given in.
..still, after 21 months, have the occasional sleepless night. 
..throw tantrum after tantrum and I do my best to remember that they aren't purposefully trying to ruin my life while mid-grocery trip and a cart full of produce and canned goods.  
..go through periods of refusing to eat most foods, but then surprise me when they hoover the most random meals I come up with.

And they are okay.  
 They are beautiful, healthy, happy, and wonderful baby girls.  

I am a good mom.  Not the Perfect Mother I set out to be, but that was a dream that never was.
Looking back I wish I had this confidence, and the realization that not everything will be perfect, and thats 100% okay, you know?
Well, I do now.
Dont get me wrong.  I still have the occasional mommy-stresses and questions of myself.  We've have been potty training for a month, and we still have accidents.  Although they are few and far in between (one just about every other day), I still feel the need for protection.  Am I supposed to use creams and ointments while we are potty training??  Wont that get confusing to feel that without the diaper barrier??   
Enter my chill pill..and Dr. Smith's Spray.
I take a chill pill about once a week.. just saying.

Dr. Smith's diaper rash spray gets the job done without any of the mess that typical creams can leave behind.  Totally loving the no-touch option the spray provides.
Which is why I am so excited about collaborating with Dr. Smith's for a giveaway special to my readers.  I am an avid supporter of small business and quality brands, and this product is one that I believe in so much.  So its about time to share it with you, again!  

The giveaway will run Monday, September 29 through Sunday, October 5 at midnight.
The grand prize winner will receive a $200 Visa Gift Card & Dr. Smith’s Prize Pack 
Three runner up winners will receive a Dr. Smith’s Prize Pack 
Is it tacky to enter into my OWN giveaway?  I love this!

Good luck!!  Winner will be announced on Monday, October 6th.

What about you?  What are your "I wish I knew then what I know now.." moments? 

All expressed opinions of Dr. Smith's Brand are my own



WE EAT | Weekly Toddler Menu

GOOOOD Day to you, friends!  It's Friday.  Probably my favorite day of the week.  I like Wednesday, too - but Friday is better.  

After over 2,200 entires into the Tiny Tags Giveaway, Laura Fairchild is the WINNER!  Congrats on your Tiny Tag, Laura!  You will love, love, love it, girl.
Don't forget to check out Instagram to find out the winner of the Freshly Picked Giveaway!
Come back Monday for another fun giveaway from one of my favorite baby brands!

Now- onto the food.  Another transitional week into the Fall weather.  A few crock pot meals are on the menu, and I've taken some tips from a few of my favorite foodie blogs to make Toddler Meals more fun.  The weekend is usually jam-packed with things to do, so you'll find simple, on-the-go meals for Saturday and Sunday.  I give my crock pot extra love on these days.  We try really hard not to eat out while we are on the go, breakfast and lunch are typically portable meals.

Happy Eating! 
Recipe Link List

Sweet Potato Hummus
3 large sweet potatoes (about 4 cups mashed)
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 teaspoons ground cumin (more of less depending on your own taste)
1 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Roast sweet potatoes until soft, about 60-70 minutes.  Remove from skins. Place the potatoes and remaining ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth.

Crock Pot Mexican Chicken
Place 1 large sliced yellow onion in the bottom of your crock pot.  Layer1 pound raw chicken breast (I often throw them in there while frozen), 1 tablespoon ground cumin, 1 tablespoon smoked paprika, 1/4 cup fresh cilantro (or 1 tablespoon dried), and 1 (15oz) can Italian diced tomatoes.
Cook on LOW for 6 hours.

Pita Pizza
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Top 1 mini whole wheat pita with 1/4 cup tomato sauce.  Sprinkle with a pinch of Italian herbs and 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella.  Place on a foil lined baking sheet and bake until cheese is melted - about 8 minutes.  Cut into wedges and serve.
Veggie Fried Rice
(adapted from Pinch of Yum)
2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon ginger paste (found in the produce section)
3 whole eggs
4 cups brown rice (previously cooked and cooled)
1 cup frozen corn
1 cups frozen peas
2 cups fresh baby spinach
1 zucchini, diced
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
Heat one tablespoon oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and ginger and stir fry for one minute. Crack the eggs directly into the pan and gently scramble until just cooked, 1-2 minutes.
Turn up the heat to medium high and add the rice and remaining 1 tablespoon of oil. The eggs should stick to the rice.
Add the frozen corn, peas, spinach, zucchini, rice vinegar, and soy sauce and stir fry for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat.

Egg Salad
6 hard boiled eggs, chilled and peeled
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon zest and 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh juice from 1 lemon
1/3 cup finely diced celery (about 1 small stalk)
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Combine eggs, mayonnaise, lemon juice, celery, and parsley in a medium bowl.  Season with salt and pepper. (Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.)

Turkey Sausage Tacos
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 green onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 to 2 teaspoons ancho chile powder, plus more for sprinkling
1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered
1 1/4 pounds turkey sausage, casings removed
12 hard taco shells
1 mango, cubed
Juice of 1 lime
1/4 head romaine lettuce, shredded
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (about 4 ounces)
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add 3/4 of the green onion, garlic, chile powder and half of the tomatoes. Cook until the tomatoes release their juices, about 3 minutes. Add the sausage and cook, breaking up the meat, until it begins to brown, about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, put the taco shells on a baking sheet and warm in the oven, about 6 minutes. Mix the mango with the lime juice in a medium bowl; sprinkle with chile powder. Add the remaining tomatoes and the green onions and toss.
Fill the taco shells with the sausage mixture and top with the lettuce, cheese and mango salsa.

Strawberry & Cream Cheese English Muffin
Split an English muffin and toast the halves. Spread each half with whipped cream cheese. Top with a thin layer of strawberry jam, followed by a layer of strawberry slices.

Crock Pot BBQ Pork Loin
3 lbs. pork tenderloin
1 (8oz) can Dr. Pepper
2 teaspoons minced garlic
3 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground oregano
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 cup BBQ Sauce (I use Sweet Baby Rays)
Place the pork, soda, garlic, chili powder, oregano, and Worcestershire sauce in the crockpot. Cover and cook on LOW for 6-8 hours.
When the meat falls apart easily, shred it directly in the crockpot with two forks. Add the BBQ sauce and stir with the liquid in the crockpot.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees (or use the broil setting if you have that) and transfer the mixture to a baking sheet lined with foil. Spread it in an even, thin layer and cook in the preheated oven until the juices are bubbling and the edges are crispy, 10-15 minutes (less time if you have a broil setting).
Transfer to a serving platter and coarsely chop.

Whole Milk Greek Yogurt: Greek God's
Cous Cous: Near East boxed cous cous OR Rice Select
Mini Waffles: Eggo or Earth's Best
Granola Bars : Clif Kids Zbar
Fruit Pouch: Ella's Kitchen



WE EAT | Crock Pot Chicken Taco Soup

My crock pot sings to the tune of T.Swift's Shake it Off after a long summer of neglect.  There was a time or two that it made an appearance during the months of March-August, but for the most part we leave the crock pot for cooler weather welcome.
hello my spaaaakkkllley slow cooker.
|i'm just gonna shake it..|
You are welcome for that mind consuming song. 

Nothing (and I honestly mean nothing) beats coming home after church (or a day of work) to the smell of dinner already awaiting. With the official first day of fall finally arriving this week, there is no better way to celebrate than with soup.
Taco Soup
with chicken
..and cheese.
topped with sour cream? 
how about some avocado?  yes, please.
Chicken Taco Soup
1 pound chicken breast, cooked and shredded
1 (15oz) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 (15oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 (15oz) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 (15oz) can golden kernel corn, drained and rinsed
2 (15oz) cans Italian diced tomatoes
1 (10oz) can original Ro Tel tomatoes
1 (15oz) can 98% fat free, reduced sodium chicken broth
1 packet buttermilk ranch or spicy ranch salad dressing/seasoning mix (such as Hidden Valley)
1 packet taco seasoning (I've also used a chipotle taco seasoning packet)
Toppings: sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt), shredded cheese, tortilla chips, avocado/guacamole

Combine all ingredients in a crock pot and cook on LOW for 6-8 hours.

I've doubled this recipe and frozen the left overs in 1 quart portioned freezer bags and thawed out for later in a pinch.  Works perfectly, especially on evenings when I forgot to start the crock pot before leaving for work!
Probably the easiest recipe you'll ever claim.  everr.  
Parker and Jolie's favorite part was stirring in the plain Greek yogurt.  We usually use this over actual sour cream.  By the end of dinner they basically had a bowl of Greek yogurt with a few kernels of corn and a handful of beans.

Curly locks over here was a little less enthusiastic to put it in her mouth.  Their daddy and me have been eating this Taco Soup recipe for 10 years, but this was a first for these birds.
Mid-meal I had to finally whip out the chips. I wanted them to take a few real bites first before I offered them something to dip.
Hummus chips were the bomb-diggity dipped in the taco soup.  Parker ate every last bit in her bowl.

Jolie agreed.

Chicken dinner winner, ya'll.

Whats your favorite slow cooker meal?  PLEASE share- I am always up for suggestions and new recipes!

Today is the last day to enter the Tiny Tags giveaway {HERE}!  Dont miss your chance to enter! Winner will be announced tomorrow!



Birthday Wishlist | 30 Years

it is happening.  whether I am ready or not.  the big 3-0.  
less than 4 days.

should I be more stressed out than this? honestly, I haven't thought about my 30th birthday (in this way) until this week.  I'll no longer be in my 20's and be approaching 40.  
now, theres a thought. 
Jordan has me beat to his 30's by nearly 3 years.  I asked him last night how it felt to be that close to 40, and he let me know his thoughts exactly about that question with one fell swoop of his eyes.

this birthday feels like any other birthday.  as in, I have a list of things a mile long, that most of which will probably carry over to a Christmas list, that I save up for purchase to special occasions like my birthday.  do I actually neeeed any of this?  
well. The slipper socks would be nice.  and the pumpkin candles go so well for the fall season. 
and I really need that tote.  I really do.  

last minute shopping is always welcome, folks.   

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

I am really on the hunt for a 'Mom' bag.  my diaper bag is overflowing these days - even more so now than when I carried a zillion diapers and changes of clothing for fear of a baby blow out.  snacks, books, {panties}, sippy cups, mini forks and spoons {I always have a set of these for some reason..}, books, toys.. the bag hardly fits over my shoulder - and when a tiny hand(s) reaches up to hold your own, and the mega-bag comes tumbling down, you think twice about that lean.  MK has amazing and spacious totes, but the hubby pretty much vetoes me out of every one due to the price tag.  doesn't stop this wifey from adding it to her list.  any of you ladies have a 'mom' bag recommendation??  
throw and go.  I have a bag for I use everyday for work, my purse, and then there is the diaper bag.  so I usually have some kind of small clutch or my wallet to just throw in there and and go.. I need an upgrade.  my phone doesn't usually fit into the clutch very well because my wallet isn't exactly tiny, and then you add in a couple tubs of lip gloss -  at least 3 times while we are out and about I'm requesting for Jordan to call my cell phone because I've lost it in the mega bag.  I need an all-in-one.
3 > Slippers | Lemon Slipper Socks
I wear socks all year round.  I have a weird thing about my feet - they are my least favorite part of my body (if you got a close up you would understand), and socks keep this anxiety about them at bay.  During the summer I stick with the thinest ankle socks I can find (I usually get them in all sorts of fun colors and designs for like a buck at Target), but in the winter there is all the more reason to bundle up.  OFTEN - and I mean always and forever - I steal Jordan's hunting socks (they are huge, thick, stay up about my legs, and most importantly, keep my toes toasty), and OFTEN - and I mean always and forever - I run holes into them.  Slippers are bulky, but I have a pair that I love love love (I got them off GroopDealz last winter), but they don't stay on my feet very long because I don't feel comfortable laying around in them.  They are too much like shoes to me.  I found these slipper socks that I am dying for this season!  They would be perfect for wearing over my favorite pair of leggings, and flexible enough to be comfortable in on the couch tucked under my legs.
I just realized I wrote a detailed paragraph about socks.  if you didnt know, well now you know. 

4 > Makeup | Urban Decay Naked 3
I have Urban Decay Naked 2, and LOVE it, and the newest pallet has the perfect fall colors - warm golds and rose.  really, I wear those colors all year round.. but they are most beautiful in the fall.  makeup (and jewelry) is always the perfect gift for me - so I usually try and include something of my favorites for lists like these.
5 > Pumpkin Everything | Bath & Body Works
HAVE YOU SEEN the new BBW Pumpkin Cafe line for the fall season?  oh. my. word.  I have been drooling/dying/swooning/loving all of the different flavors and smells of pumpkin.  last year for my birthday (and the year before that) I received 8-11 candles.. all with the original Pumpkin Cupcake smell, and all have been burned.  actually - a single Pumpkin Cupcake candle is burning through the last couple of inches as I sit here typing and drinking my pumpkin spice coffee.  all things pumpkin.  obsessed. Bath and Body do well on most all of there home and body fragrance collections, but what they have done with pumpkin (pumpkin pecan waffles, ya'll) is out of this world.  
I've blogged before about my personal organization preference (HERE) and I'm a self professed techy and lover/obsessor of my phone calendar.  I put everything in there- mainly because I need it for my sanity, but also so that Jordan can keep up with all he has going for our family and himself, too.  but there is something to be said about putting things down on paper.  if you look into my work bag right now, there are three notebooks.  two of which I received as a gift at The Hundred Event (and cannot bring myself to stop carrying them because they are just so amazing), and one I picked up in the school section at Target because I couldn't pass it up.  it has gold polka dots all over it < justified.  why do I carry these notebooks around..  one is my prayer/bible journal, and the other two.. well I don't have a reason for those.  I write out my grocery lists in these spirals every week, I meal plan in them, I jot down ideas for work, I organize my thoughts for the blog.. names/numbers/addresses are randomly skewed through these mini spiral notebooks.  I'm a list maker, idea jotter, OCD individual that although I am in love and use my phone calendar everyday, I can't stop-wont stop using paper.  here is where Erin comes in. her life calendars are amazing.  have you seen them?  you've seen them.  thats the thing.  I've only seen them. I've never actually gotten one for myself- but this is the year.  an all in one notebook/list keeper/address holding/calendar to organize my jumbled twin-mom thoughts into one place.  part of the reason why I carry around several notebooks- I never know which I need to reference!

there.  my 30th birthday wish list.  we do have plans for my birthday.. Jordan and I are going to dinner and a concert tonight, Bree (BB) is cooking us dinner tomorrow night, and we are celebrating Supper Club on my actual birthday (Saturday).  There better be bundt cake.  I don't do cake, but I will totally house a Nothing Bundt Cake.  and that is our Supper Club go-to for birthday celebrations - white chocolate raspberry. great.  now I want that for breakfast.

what is most important about turning 30 for me?  and every year after that.. 
I get to spend it with these little girls and their daddy - our sweet Gent.
celebrating my life with the ones that have made it so good.    
headband / headbands and lace // sweatshirt / loved by hannah and eli 
although I have a list up there of wants {not needs}, I am so richly blessed and honestly, honestly don't need a thing.  my cup is so overflowing.



Park Play

Last week Papa (Jordan's dad) came over to hang out with the girls for a bit while I ran to an appointment and then a meeting.  He comes over here and there to watch them, and then leaves with his feet dragging because from the moment he arrives to the moment he leaves he is on his hands and knees playing smack in the middle and as hard or harder than these two 21 month old little girls.

I came home on this day to hear all about the fun they had at the park and how they loved the slide and ran all over the place.. and..and..and..


I had yet to take them to the park (which is just walking distance around the block from the house) since we started potty training because there isn't a prime place to take a panicked babe to go do her business - and lets be honest, I wasn't that brave yet.  
(potty training update coming next week!)

But my father-in-law was that brave apparently.  They came home without an accident (which I am not surprised) and stories to tell of how much fun they'd had.

Well.  Let me in on this fun.  Jordan worked a 48 hour shift over the weekend, and on those days when it is just me and the girls we do one of two things - stay close to home and do absolutely nothing, or go out.  Out to run 1 zillion errands.

A wagon ride away was all we needed to get out of the house on this day.
There were a few other kiddos on the playground, and my children are very observant.  VERY.  They stood there for a solid 3 minutes watching these older kids interact, converse, and then start to throw rocks.  I'll be sure to thank that kid next time I see him because I then spent the entire time we were there explaining why we don't throw rocks. 
tank / target    
The star of the show : the slides.  They never could figure out that they weren't able to actually climb up them.  When I was able to finally get them to look my way as I instructed them to go up the stairs on the side, they paid me zero mind.  
 I finally just stopped with all the instructions and let them be.  Let them be silly toddlers and I would just be around to catch them if they fell.  

I'm sure they were thanking me in the twin garb that was consistently being chattered out their little mouths.  They talk to each other ALL day long.
TALK to ME, ladies.  

 We finally reached the top (they figured out the stairs).  
There was no fear.  NONE.  Parker plopped right down and flung herself onto the slide.  

I didn't have to coax or explain that 'Mommy will catch you'.  
She could care less if I was standing their or not.
I thought Jo would surely need some assistance.
Laughing and squealing the entire way down.
 Up the stairs we go - time and time and time again.  They loved every single minute.

Back to the slide we go
 This time, Parker took it upon herself to make it even more dangerrrrous.
No handsss, ma! 
 Sister! Get yo hands up!
 I was dying laughing.  Overwhelmed with the giggles over Parker and her dare devil attitude. 
 ..and although it seemed liked a great idea to slide with no hands, Jolie decided to clap Parker along and keep her own hands close to her side.
I thought I was going to have to peel their dirty hands from that slide and drag them home by their ears.   
 62 minutes we spent at the park. 62 minutes of non-stop running, playing, sliding, and just being silly little girls.
I finally sat back and just watched them.  Watched them get dirty.  Watch them yank off their headbands and throw them into the rocks.  I watched them fall, face plant (they were fine), and play together.  No mom to fuss over them or attempt in keeping them out of the dirt.

It is insane the love I have for them.  

It was such a fun hour of the afternoon.  Perfect to run them down and make them extra hungry for dinner..and more inclined to snuggle that evening before bed.  Selfishly, I love it when they are (extra) tired out from the day's activities so I have more time with them in my lap to love and kiss on.

We need to go to the park more often.

Dont forget to enter the Tiny Tags giveaway {HERE}!  Contest ends this Thursday at midnight!

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