I feel the same.
three days ago I hit the big 3-0 and it actually hasn't hit me yet. isn't this age supposed to be THE age that everyone stresses about? my 29th year was so good, I'm just waiting for 30 to top it.. and I am pretty sure it has the potential to.
this year was much different then the birthdays in year's past. there was lots of celebration. not to say I never celebrated my birthday - there is always a celebration dinner of some sort, and usually dessert in the form of a cake - but the last several years we have had so much join on in our life that my birthday comes and we be like 'oh, hey birthday.. we meet again..'
the week before my birthday I randomly called into to our local radio station hoping for the chance to win concert tickets to poptopia 2014. I am not a 'super fan' of all those that were going to be there, but I still thought it would be fun to win and go.
ya'll. I won. seriously - I never win anything. and then they put me on the radio. thank goodness my teeny-bopper age and screeching voice has past or I would have been crying like a little girl.
I'm thirty, after all.
so, Wednesday night we arranged for a babysitter (thank you, BB), and headed to dinner at Maggianos (favvvvvorite) and stuffed our faces to the brim with pasta and zucchini frites. I happened to have worn a pair of 'just buttoned' jeans, and I regretted every step I took to the car in discomfort after dinner. I was full.
Phillip Philips pretty much rocked it. he put on a great show. there were a few other bands there, but he was the best.
dallas morning news was there taking 'nightlife' photos and so there wasn't an awkward 'will you take a picture of us..?' to perfect strangers this go round.
and I'm glad because I hate that.
thursday night we headed over to the Massey's for dinner. every year Bree does her very best to cook the birthday person a meal and offer up the opportunity for the family to get together to celebrate.
after dinner I blew out candles on a homemade cake (caramel pound cake - yum!)
the girls got their first experience with birthday candles. we opted out of those last year for their first birthday, but I think we will actually do the candles this year. they thought it was so fun!
saturday was my actual birthday (the 27th).
I slept in (until 8am), and woke up to coffee in my favorite mug and talks of brunch where ever my heart (and tummy) would take us. if you know me, these kind of celebrations are my favorite.
I love running weekend errands with my family. not sure why, but I seriously look forward to that with these guys.
we started the morning with brunch on the patio at Brio.
here we awkwardly asked the guy that was filling everyone's water if he would mind snapping a photo. I got out of that once, and I suppose, birthday or not, there was never a chance to get out of that a second time in a row.
I love running weekend errands with my family. not sure why, but I seriously look forward to that with these guys.
we started the morning with brunch on the patio at Brio.
here we awkwardly asked the guy that was filling everyone's water if he would mind snapping a photo. I got out of that once, and I suppose, birthday or not, there was never a chance to get out of that a second time in a row.
brunch was fantastic. in fact- I'm still thinking about this bruschetta quattro, and the omelet I enjoyed, and the bites of french toast I stole off of Jolie's plate.
when they brought out the meal, I ordered two of the kids' entrees, and requested that they split it. good gracious that 'child's plate' was massive. and less that four bucks, might I add. where can you go and eat like that for $4??
and mom of the year forgot forks, so they ate with the 7 pound silver utensils until they finally gave up and used their hands.
after brunch I was so set on attempting a photo with my girls. No one is looking. Fail #1.
We moved on to another spot and I thought maybe we could try again..
Jolie is always always always so laid back and carefree, she basically does whatever I ask her to do. so, she was photo ready..
We moved on to another spot and I thought maybe we could try again..
Jolie is always always always so laid back and carefree, she basically does whatever I ask her to do. so, she was photo ready..
headwrap / ruby blue inc // top / zara // pants / old navy // moccs / freshly picked
mom & mini bracelets / hazel love design co.
Parker on the other hand is my sass-fab diva, and she wasn't having pictures. the girl was over it before it even began. Fail #2.
necklace / hip chixie
costco was on our list of errands to run.
random errands on my birthday = perfection.
I know- strange.
but there were snackkkks
after a few more stops (mall, old navy, sonic happy hour) we headed over to the Tapella's house for Supper Club. Jacqueline had so sweetly asked Jordan what my favorite meal and dessert was.. and she nailed it. shrimp and chicken pasta (carino's style), french bread, and salad.
we officially have a 'kid' table. that has freaking precious written all over it.
after dinner it was time to blow out my second set of candles this week.
a family affair. love. it.
that night was extra special because I feel like (and I think we all agree) that this was the first time our kids actually played together, and not just around each other. Parker and Landon are two peas in a pod (we are in trouble), and Jolie was having a ball with her sweet buddy Jacob. watching my kids play with our life friends was some kind of satisfying.
I can't wait for many more years (and babies!) of this.
sunday was low key. we were all tired from the weeks' activity, and needed some relaxation. we have been in talks for nearly 6 months about building an outdoor living area - notice I didn't say patio.. ya'll its a living area. we have even had to scale it down three times after bidder after bidder came back with outrageous estimates.
Jordan has big dreams, and he thinks and dreams all day.
all day. and then unloads all his dreams in the 11 minutes after I walk in the door in the afternoon.
ANY-way, so we have this..
started on Sunday morning just after 8am, and finally around 4pm they called it quits.
they actually ran out of wood.
I'm laughing as I type this, because I'm hearing my husband right about now..
'what have we gotten ourself into?'
no. do not rope me into this. it was all you, buddy.
but I am loving it. it will be amazing one it is all finished, and I cannot wait to share it with you!
Parker and Jolie hadn't been out on the patio since we poured the concrete earlier in the week, so they were having a heck of a time running wild.
finally I could make them sit for half a second with the bribery of pumpkin spice m&m's..
and sonic ice.
Parker be like "gimme all the candy, ma"
personalized yoga pants / kennedy's collections
they are doll babies. I cannot get enough of them and their sweetness.
the celebration isn't over. my sweet friend (and party planner) Ashley and Jordan have been working their little tails off to throw me the best 30th birthday party everrrrrr, and that is this weekend.. and of course you'll get a full recap next week.
thirty. bringggg it, yo.
don't forget to enter for your chance at a $200 Visa gift card and Dr. Smith's prize pack (HERE)!
don't forget to enter for your chance at a $200 Visa gift card and Dr. Smith's prize pack (HERE)!