We started a family tradition this weekend.
The excitement on these faces clearly says it all about the time of our lives we had.
'What in the word did that crazy woman put on your face..?'
'You've got it on your face too, girl.'
hairbow / custom creation c/o @shelbychicboutique (via Instagram)
So, I signed us up, not even realizing what in the world we were signing up for. A quick Google search did me in with excitement. At this point I hadn't even thought that we would bring the girls.. and why not? Its definitely a family-friendly affair!
12 minutes after pulling into the parking lot, and Parker and Jolie were already making a name for themselves.
tanks / old navy // tutus / gifted {similar} // leggings / the hair bow company
Our sweet friends, Chris and Sarah joined in on the fun without a second thought.
Me: Hey, do this Color Run with us on April 11th.
Sarah: Done!
I mainly invited her because I knew she wouldn't leave me in the dust like my husband would (that was a joke, but seriously, Jordan would leave me).
He talked for months about walking with me, doing it as a family, blah bleh, bloo, blah. As we are at the start line, he is asking me "just to make sure" if I was going to walk the WHOLE thing.
Yes, dude.
Sarah to my rescue.
Yellow - Pink - Blue - Purple
Check point #2! We'd been Yellow'ed and Pink'ed!
There were about 40,000 people doing this run. Half of them took pictures of Parker and Jolie.
Ok.. that might be a little white lie. But, there were plenty of pictures snapped with {and without} my knowledge.
Shout out to my twin momma's out there- if you ever thought making it through Costco was tough {because two babies sitting in the double cart is unbearably precious to 99.4% of people - the other 0.6% of people have no hearts}, douse your children in muli-colored chalk next time.
Count the 'awe' and 'oh my gosh' coming out of peoples mouth. Its humorous.
Sarah Tucker {@Sarahtuckerup} is my jam. This girl makes me and my children happy, happy.
AND, she didn't leave me while I walked and run-jogged the entire race.
During the last half mile, there was a guy with his toddler jogging in front of us. His entire stroller was covered in plastic. He put his baby in a bubble.
Here I am to follow up with my parenting skills and children looking like this.
His older kid {probably 4 or 5} wouldn't stop talking about P&J.
"I like those babies, dad. They look better and funnnn.."
He pretty much told his dad he was uptight.. right to his face. At 5 years old.
Look out for that one.
What an amazing time we had. 2 hours of too much fun.. I was wishing it wasn't over!
These boys. Ran the entire way. They got to wait an extra half hour at the finish line before Sarah and I crossed with the cutest and most colorful babelets on the planet.
Self proclaimed as That Happiest 5K on the Planet, and I'd say they are justified.
Parker was WIPED. We woke them up at 6am (2 hours before they normally wake up) and loaded them in the car with smoothies for breakfast as we headed to Dallas.Jolie on the other hand..
Bee-bopping to the music.
My colored Jolie Grace
Parker.. haaay Parks.
{Side note: Check out her curly locks. swoon.}
Not quite.
We all {minus Jordan..he was driving} zonked out on the drive home. I'm pretty sure the girl were out before we even exited the parking lot. We had so much fun, and talked about it all weekend long. We are definitely doing this every year.
A few tips for post-race clean up:
-A good spray down with the water hose and the stroller was squeaky clean!
-Tattoos came off easy peasy with a little rubbing alcohol.
-Showering did the trick to come clean. I was nervous it wasn't going to come off, but we all four came out without any color after a mass shower train went into effect about 7 minutes after arriving home.
Way to go Color Run. You hit it big and can officially be on my list of 'Most Favorite Days of 2014'.

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Love the Color Run, it is so much fun! We did it up here in Minneapolis, MN last year and had a blast. I was too nervous to bring our little one... especially with the stroller. Good to know they come clean fairly easy. :)
this is my most favourite post ever. your little ladies are freaking adorable, what a fabulous tradition (that i very well might steal!) and i just luh-ove the blog name!
I have wanted to do a color run for the longest time! It will happen next year for sure when I'm not big and pregnant! :)
Man and Wife and Two Fur Babies
How fun!!! A color run is next on our list because Mud Runs just don't look as fun afterward haha. The bebes looked adorable!! So glad you guys had a great time :)
The color run is fun BUT the bubble run is soooo much better! I swear to you, that is the funnest run on the planet haha. Your girls were just adorable covered in color!
The Color Run is always so much fun and it looks like nothing changes when they hit up Dallas. ;) Also for future color runs, temp tattoos come off like a charm with regular old scotch tape. 👍
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