Four Day Weekend..Yet Again
A Bittersweet Goodbye
We went to BJ's Brewhouse in Addison to celebrate Joe's acceptance and our friendship
Pepa and Di
The beautiful Rachel and myself

It's only JUNE. Get ready for the hottttt summer.
When There Aren't Enough Hours in the Day..

The Rhythm of the Weekend
This busy, busy weekend started on Friday morning around 5:00am. Jordan was getting up to go to the fire station and I was slowly moving to get into my normal before-work routine. I kissed Jordan goodbye, and proceeded, or, attempted to turn on the shower...no water. I thought, what in the world? I ran outside to see if I could catch Jordan before he drove off, and as I was calling out for him, I heard it..flowing water. Just as I was midsentence, Jordan heard it too. I think the light bulb turned on at that same time. We investigated the 'river' running through our yard and realized that it was our water main. UGH! One of our trees' roots busted it sometime in the night. The water meter was spinning like crazy as gallons of my shower water was rushing down the street gutter! We shut the water off completely and kind of sat there with 'what do we do now' looks on our faces. Let me just lell you, I have the handiest husband, ever. Jordan took emergency holiday and went to work on fixing this issue. Lowe's opens at 6:00am and Jordan was waiting as they unlocked their doors. Needless to say, 12 hours, no shower, brushing my teeth with bottled water, having to hold my blatter until getting to work, and only $38.00 later, we have water!!!! Thank goodness, I really needed a shower!
This is the lovely hole in our front yard
Saturday morning came quickly and started us off right after our rough day before. Jordan was playing in the 'Battle of the Badges; Fire vs Police' softball tournament and his first game was at 10am. But, first, we had to take care of some important business: >SHOPPING! Old Navy was having a one day only sale on their tank tops- 2 bucks a piece!! Jordan sweetly agreed to go with me to make the purchases (they only allowed 5 per person, so, I bought 5 and then Jordan 'bought' 5!) Then, it was off to the ballpark!
Jordan calls this his 'baseball card' picture ;) He did SO very well!
The IFD boys in the dugout
Take a Look..
There was an national campaign for scouts across the country and Sam was asked to be apart of the videos when they stopped in Austin. Pretty neat, huh?! Sam is very involded in Boy Scouts and is literally doing something different every weekend..he was at Enchanted Rock last weekend camping during some horrible storms! He said his tent blew over and in the pounding rain he repaired (all by himself!) well enough to make it through the rest of the night. He makes me proud!
He is also in several other videos, too. If you click on each word, there is a different video for each. I know for sure he is under 'Cheerful', too! The kids on the videos are just precious and really bring a smile to my face.
Hope this can bring a smile to your face today as well :)

A Night With Multi-Platinum Artists
Over 20,000 people at the concert, all sitting behind me!
I choose my one of my very best friends to be my 'date' to the concert.. Jordan was not as excited about going to the concert.. all I can say is, HE MISSED OUT.
Opening act: Darius Rucker, former Hootie and the Blowfish front man turned country music success. He was really good! He sang some of his old songs from the Hootie Days, like "Hold my Hand" and "I Only Wanna Be with You" Good Times!
Welcome the Stars of the show! Joe Don, Gary, and Jay
Joe Don- so very handsome!
Not only can they sing- but, they play every version of the guitar and the piano, too!
I think he was looking straight out at my camera! Looks like it, doesn't it?!
God Bless the Broken Road
Playing it up with the rest of their bandmates
Waving to the crazy fans
Darius came out for the last set to sing with the Flatts
"Good Night Dallas!"
Good Night Rascal Flatts- or should I say GREAT night!