28 weeks marked the start of my third trimester, and all I can think was when was the second? Second trimester flew by in what felt like a blink of an eye. I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy is going.. I am making the best of this short time I have with my growing belly and sweet tiny plum babe. I've learned a few things since the last go round in pregnancy, and if I only knew then what I know now..but isn't that how it always goes?
1 // rodan + fields sunless tanning foamI've talked about this sunless tanner before (HERE), and now that we've approached the warmer weather months, my attempts to wear less clothing (sleeveless tops, tanks, and dresses) have bared all the pale one's eyes can handle. Desperate for than sun kissed glow, I opted again for the best (in my opinion) sunless tanner on the market. I sampled this about a year ago and have been a faithful user since. It is nearly always sold out, but check with my girl Brittany Laws for your R+F supply:)
2 // humidifier
Where was my head during pregnancy with the twins? I suffered a stuffy head and nose for 37 weeks. Literally hours after giving birth I thought to myself "I can freaking breath!" My biggest complaint in pregnancy has always been congestion, and after one night spent with a humidifier, congestion was gone and I was breathing easy again. Not to mention how cute the Crane humidifiers are, am I right?
3 // bravado body silk seamless nursing bra
Just in preparation for nursing, I've started to do some research on nursing bras of quality. It was honestly an afterthought when I had Parker and Jolie, and when I finally went out to buy one, I was lost as to what was the right option for me.. and lets be real- I was also very sleep deprived and probably thinking about spending my money on food, not a bra. I made this purchase thinking I was getting ahead of myself and uber prepared for the little sister's's arrival, only to realize that this is MUCH more comfortable than the underwire bras I've been wearing. Without going into too much detail- 32 DD bras come in about three colors- all of the neon kind..and this growing belly is getting in the way of the underwire. ANYway, I've been wearing this bra non-stop and plan to grab a few more once baby girls makes her debut.
4 // snoogle pillow
The best pregnancy purchase to date. I was just barely into my second trimester when I was begging (demanding) Jordan to get this pillow down from its throne in the attic. I nearly thought to bring it as my carry on to the plane for a couple trips I took during this last month.. and although I would have gotten a few smirks, all you motherlovers out there would have given me a nod in my efforts for comfort for the hotel beds.
5 // panty liners
While I'm not much of a panty-liner kinda gal in my 'normal life', pregnancy has made me a believer and a serial user of the liners. Pregnancy is messy.. and with all the extra fluid, you are bound to have some leakage somewhere (too much..?). I love and was relieved to see that there was a thong option.. because, well.. anyway, I've probably overstepped with adding the word 'leakage' to this blog post, so I'll stop there. If you are pregnant or have been pregnant, you know what I'm saying.
6 // honest co. hand sanitizer
I more or less spent my entire first trimester sick as a dog. I was on antibiotics for literally 3 months straight, and was basically miserable. I have since become very aware of germs and the efforts for staying well have gone into full force since then. I came upon honest co. hand sanitizer spray originally at target and I'm mad at myself for not buying everything they have on their shelves. I haven't been able to get it there since (they have the gel, but I personally prefer the spray), but thank goodness for my online shopping habits. REALLY easy to hosing down the toddlers after a potty break at the mall (public bathrooms are so.. sooo blechh), and I actually really like the smell. Not perfume-y at all, but really fresh and clean.
7 // honest co. belly balm
You can get this at target (can I get an amen?) and I've been an advocate of this belly balm since first sight. I have used other creams, and continue to go back to the balm/oils for my itchy belly. Nothing seems to moisturize quite like them, and even after applying post shower at 6am that morning, at 6pm that same evening I can still feel like my skin is silky and not dry and itchy.
8 // full-panel maternity skinny jeans
I was ALL about the underbelly maternity jeans in my pregnancy with the twins. I thought I hated full-panel maternity, but what I have come to realize was that I wasn't trying on or buying anything with quality. While I still love the under the belly option, they don't make my favorite jeans anymore (loved by Heidi Klum). I find myself going back to the full panel over and over again.. and these Indigo Rein Maternity Jeans by Motherhood Maternity are by far my favorite (and oh-so-fashionable)

I've been using Honest's Organic Healing Balm on belly and love it!
Thong panty liners?! You just changed my world. I am currently 30 weeks with our second little boy and I am going to go buy these asap. Is it weird that I am super pumped about a panty liner? So pumped!
I loved my Bravado silk seamless so much that after 14 months of nursing, I didn't want to go back to my regular bras! I think I wore it for a good 1-2 months post nursing. :)
I didn't have a preggo pillow and that is my #1 if-I-get-preggo-again purchase. I slept so poorly the last trimester, but I thought it was "silly" to spend so much money at the end. Looking back... I should have just gone for it!
I used a regular body pillow when I was pregnant with Harrison and Brooke. I couldn;t bring myslef to spend the dough on a big pregnancy one. If this cycle works, I;m getting a snoogle, STAT! And probably a few of these other items too.
Our Little Miracles
I feel you on the underwire poking you all the time! I was also blind during my 1st pregnancy too and will definitely be investing in some of those bras for this next time. Those jeans were my favorite too! I'm pretty sure the holes in them are giant now because I wore them so much while I was pregnant :) Great pregnancy favorites post Amber! :)
A body pillow was a must for me. I lived (and kind of still live) in sports bra types for the nursing bra option.
I had to use a humidifier and Breathe Rite strips (at night) when I was pregnant with my twins. Those strips are a life saver!
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