banner / little dovie
long sleeve tee // gap maternity
navy maxi skirt (non-maternity) // (old) groopdealz
How far along? 30 weeks + 2 days
Total weight gain: 16 pounds. Fundal height actually hasn't changed from a 33 week measurement in two weeks - which means my fluid levels are normalizing and most likely the continual increase of amniotic fluid is slowing down. Walsh was fairly pleased with that discovery, as was I!
Maternity clothes? All the way. The skirt I'm wearing (its navy blue) I bought last summer and literally wear is 3 times a week. It isn't maternity, but it is stretchy and lightweight and so comfortable. I find every reason to wear it. I walked into my appointment with Walsh yesterday and realized I basically was wearing the same thing I had on the week prior. When I am not forced into real clothing for work - I have been living in these uber amazing yogas and the softest and most comfy tee on the planet by ezra + eli. I wear my normal pre-pregnancy size in this t-shirt and it is just now starting to question the stretch over my belly. These lounge pants are still my favorite for sure. I stand pantless at the dryer waiting patiently for them to be dry to I can slip back into them.
Sleep: Sleep is just amazing.
Best moment this week: Hmm.. so many things. So many moments. This time of my pregnancy and this age with the twins has been unreal. That moment when you realize that you are in the single digits until you meet your sweet baby (NINE WEEKS!).. yea I had that this week. I also got to hear her heartbeat- 144bpm and 'perfect'. Parker leaned in and gave my belly a kiss out of no where. Jordan was painting little sister's room and Jolie stood in awe and pride and said "Baby ****'s room is innnnkkk (pink)". They know the change. They know whats happening, and they know they are going to be the best big sisters ever.
Miss Anything? Not this week.
Cravings: Brussels sprouts, anything carbonated, puppy chow (easiest recipe ever HERE), chocolate cereal (currently with a bowl of cocoa pebbles on my belly shelf), strawberries, honeydew melon, and I have been eating my weight in quinoa.
Symptoms: The exhaustion comes and goes. Some days I feel great and other days I am feeling like I just cant even get out of bed not matter how much I have rested and slept the night/day before.
Looking forward to: We finally decided on a paint color! I never realized how much I hated the color pink until we had 7 different color samples on the wall. Anywhere from 'what the crap were we thinking' to 'wow. just wow.' Benjamin Moore's Texas Rose seems to fit the bill for the image/theme of her nursery I had in mind. Jordan put the final coat on the wall last night just before we went to bed - and I am so pleased with how it turned out once all three walls were painted. We pick up her crib and changing table tomorrow (eep!) and the chandelier and accessories will be hung on Friday. We have all the items, they just need their place.. and finally at 30 weeks, we've gotten it all together. I ordered a wooden sign with her name calligraphied to hang over her crib and her bedding should be ready by the end of June. My work baby shower is tomorrow afternoon.. maternity shoot on Friday (rain, just please stay away..) and I just want to fold, hang, organize her clothing and 'stuff'. Nesting is in full swing. So many things to be thankful for.. gah I cant wait to squeeze her baby cheeks.

I tagged you on a page on IG not sure if you ever saw it but they have the cutest signs the IG page is artsyamber
*GASP* (picture the gasping emoji). You are NOT 30 weeks already!? When we were talking early it never crossed my mind - hah. You look amazing (as always) and I just lovelovelove that color. Her room will look just like something pulled off Pinterest - can't wait!
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