It has been pouring rain the last couple weeks and so this weekend was like a breath of fresh air. I have never been so excited for the week to end and for my pale legs to see the light of day.. the sun finally made its appearance earlier in the week - and forecast spoke high hopes for a beautiful weekend, and thats exactly what it was.
f r i d a y
It was just me and the girls on Friday while daddy was at the fire station for 24 hours..and all I have been thinking about for over a week was donuts. I have wanted donuts for breakfast.lunch.dinner. This craving was no-joke, so the moment those babies rose from their room, I started the hype of donuts for breakfast.
Me: You guys want donuts for breakfast??!
Jolie: No. Mickey Mouse.
Me: We can go get donuts and then watch Mickey Mouse.
Jolie: No. Daddy wook (work).
Me: But.. mommy can take you, right?
Jolie: BB, wook.
Me: Get in the car, Jolie.
sparkle bows c/o shelby chic boutique
Our favorite and most regular donut shop is walking distance from the house - 3 minutes out the door and we had arrived to feed this pregnancy craving of mine.
The girls were overly excited to choose their breakfast that morning, and by far their favorites are always the strawberry and white iced donut holes.
As I was paying, the sweet woman behind the cash register asked me where "grandma and daddy" were. 100% explains the conversation with my toddler teenager just a half hour before.
As everyone walked in and out of the shop, the girls yelled "BLESS YOU".. not even sure, but it was really darn cute.
The first of May marked the start of many summer activities - including the water/splash area of The Shops near our home. It was the first decently warm day, and so after nap we loaded our swim bag and headed to play in the water.
The girls spent about 35 seconds observing their surroundings before running like banshees through the fountains.
swimsuits // babygap (sold out) // glitter piggy clips c/o averie + jane
After realizing I forgot towels.. the dripping babies 'aired' out and people watched before I was able to get them dressed and inside to play at the kids area of Barnes and Noble for a bit before dinner.
Side note: one of THE best ways to kill some time this summer with your babes.
P&J love to play at the train table, play with the puppets, and 'read' books.
sun dress / old navy
Dinner on the patio followed our bookstore date.. at Sonic.
Super fancy. But also super easy and super delicious.
Toddler conversations.
I catch about half of what they are saying to each other about half of the time.
s a t u r d a y
After a busy morning of good conversation, Jordan and I dropped the babes off with their BB for the night and headed out to tailgate the Rangers game with some of our favorite people.
The bellies.
These two unborn kids are basically married.
5 years ago these people were strangers brought together by Supper(Club).
Since then these 8 strangers have welcomed 5 babes (+ 2 on the way), showered mamas, celebrated milestones, traveled, slept, laughed (a lot), cried, married, and of course ate a ton of supper.
My closest friends on the planet.
Rangers won after a walk off home-run and Jordan and I stopped at Dairy Queen on our way home (at nearly midnight) for a blizzard.
It was a good, good night.
s u n d a y
Just me and the girls again- Jordan picked up a shift at the station to sub out for a guy, and we surely missed him! I usually try to plan my grocery shopping around the day of the weekend that I can make it to the store by 9am. Beating most of the crowds, and getting the girls home in time for lunch and down for a nap. After picking up Parker and Jolie from their BB+Papa's house, we three headed out, list in hand, to run our errands.
Most of the time (I'd say about 90%) the girls are really amazing sports and stick with me in getting in and out of the store pretty quick. Some trips require snacks and some trips have me dragging a hard-headed toddler out the door whilst trying to push a full cart.
I mentioned 'cookies' as we walked into the sliding doors of Market Street and they were on their best behavior.
Toddler life is one of two things: hilarious or absolutely terrible. On this morning, it was hilarious- and those giggles are like sweet music to my ears.
sparkle bows c/o shelby chic boutique // tanks / old navy // leggings c/o top knots + twirls
We mad it home just in time for lunch + 22 minutes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I put all the good stuff away in its place. After a late night, I was looking forward to getting in a nap of my own. Parker refused a nap, and after 2 hours of fighting with her to lay down and rest, she and I set up camp in front of the tv in 'mama's bed' watching UP until Jolie woke.
While I still haven't gotten a kiddie pool for these two, I redeemed myself with the water table.
They LOVE it. Have I mentioned before how much I am looking forward to this summer?
flip + tip sippy cups c/o nuby // water table / Step2 Wild Whirlpool Water Table
I halfway thought about skipping bath and putting them straight into their jammies.. you know, because they spent the afternoon 'bathing' in the water table.. but I looked away for 1.5 seconds and the girls both took it upon themselves to take a dip in the 'dog pond' we have set up in Daphnee's pin.
This only meant one thing:
a HUGE tub-o-suds + two really dirty babies.
Forecast shows more showers this week..but I got in a good fix of sunshine after these last three days.
Mother Nature did good.
I hope you all had a great weekend!

Such a sweet group of friends you have! I am also not looking foward to more rain. We spent all morning at the park before the rain starts tomorrow! Bleh.
What fun! I've also been seeing a lot of folks charting up theses supper clubs. Could you send me details on how it works (childcare, rotations, etc). I'm really interested in maybe trying to put something together. Do you just have a set date and whoever makes it does or do you work out dates as you go? Thanks!
Amber-I absolutely love the black skirt you're wearing at the baseball game. (I think one seen it on other posts as well.) I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and would love to have that as one of my staple items. Would you mind sharing where it's from? Thanks and by the way, you are looking absolutely fabulous!
Hey Amber, I absolutely love the black skirt you're wearing at the baseball game. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and know that will make a perfect pregnancy staple! Would you mind sharing where it's from? By the way, you are looking fabulous!
Now we need summer to get here so I don't have to be so busy!
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