This year I cannot express how thankful I am. Thankful for the life that I have been given. The most amazing husband and father to my two baby girls.. and for this very first thanksgiving as a family of four. This time last year I was hooked to the monitors at Presby Plano getting a stress test and checking in on my growing girls while my mother in law as at my house basting a turkey in my oven. If I thought I was thankful last year, God has sure showed me.
So thankful.
I am thankful for the joy that is my life. There once was a period of time in my life when I was in a dark place. Confusion, questions, (unofficial) depression consumed my everyday. When I finally decided that these problems were not up to me to solve on my own- I left it to the Lord and the darkness went away. Literally. Saved again. It only took me years to figure that out..
Sure, I still get down just as everyone does, but my life is filled with blessings that I forget to be thankful for or acknowledge on a daily basis.
So thankful.
Pure joy. 100%
I am thankful for the health and well being of these girls. Parker and Jolie required a little effort on momma's part to keep them put while I was pregnant, yes, but so worth it. Parker and Jolie were born early, yes, but so healthy. They were tee-ninsy, yes.. but fierce. Over the course of these last 11 months I have been able to witness the most amazing milestones experience by these two. Before becoming a mother I didn't understand how cool this all was until I got to do it for myself. Yes, babies roll over/crawl/pull up/walk- so neat. Babies say their first words- love it. But the joy that tingles from my head to the tips of my fingers when I see these babies reach a milestone for the first time is out of control.
So thankful.
Thankful for their silly demeanors. It is an all day everyday circus in the Massey house with these two!
So thankful.
3 ring. Parker is a silly girl and I am so thankful for her love for me. She is such a momma's girl and I can't even tell you how much I LOVE it.
So thankful for this laid back baby girl. You can't pull anything that this girl won't find humor in.
This is my family. I love this picture- it depicts our crazy family to a 'T'.
I have so much to be thankful for- my thank you speech is a mile long.. but today I am most thankful for my family. God has blessed us is a complete understatement.
Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friends.