This year is flying by me- good thing I take 137593953 pictures every day to capture every moment- just in case I happen to forget one (Highly unlikely. Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit.)
Here are this week's highlights via my IG feed:) Enjoy!
Saturday I took the girls up to visit their daddy at the fire station for the first time. Jordan's mom was sweet enough to tag along with me.. you know, to carry a baby or a bag, or a cart of diapers.. something. The guys at the station took no time to pull these babes out of their car seats and begin the pass around. Most of them are built like Jordan and the girls were swallowed by their big arms and chest- which the girls took as a perfect opportunity for comfy nap. This was the first, and definitely not the last visit to daddy's station.
Next stop? Poppa and his guys down at the alarm office:) Irving FD runs their own ambulance service, so when you call 911, guys on the department answer the calls. Jordan's dad has been in Irving for over 30 years, and now has made his place down in the alarm office for the past several. It isn't often that Jordan and his dad work on the same shift, so this was a perfect time to visit him, too!
SO excited for my new blog design. I still just pull it up on my phone or the iPad to look at it. Aubrey is amazing.
I was tagged by Sarah to post a random picture on my phone to IG.. it happened to be one of my favorites of my sister-in-law and me. We were at a wedding last October.. always a good time with family:)
My sweet Parker. Look at this face. How in the world can you NOT want to kiss every inch of it?
Jumped on the bandwagon this week and made a Vine account. Still learning to use it- but I am really diggin' these videos! I have heard of the questionable material popping up here and there, but I've never seen anything inappropriate, so my account still stands:) I got the most precious video of my chatter box baby, Parker.. and also one of Jolie as she sleeps- snoring loudly on my chest.
Baby stretches are my favorite.
In attempt to swaddle little miss, she passed out cold. UGH. She is so cute.
Cold morning caused for serious snuggle time- and look at this set up she has going.. Who can get this set up for me? I'll pay you.
Ok. Baby stretches AND baby yawns are my favorite. (Pretty sure my 'favorite' list is forever long when it comes to these two.)
Parker being the complete HAM that she is. The other day while daddy was at the fire station I was able to catch her talking and laughing at me. I would squeal every time, and startle her, which made me laugh even harder. It was the best 20 minutes of my week.Jolie would rather snuggle than be social like her sister. I was double fisting the two girls while attempting to snap photos of Parker laughing. I have become quite multi-talented in my new new role as momma.
This week I had to go into work for my "return to work" clearance review by employee health (fun.) While we were there we made a stop into the office to see everyone and then made our way downtown for lunch at Gloria's. Pounds of chips, salsa, and their famous bean dip for momma and daddy, and a big ol' bottle of milk for the little bits.
Throwback Thursday to 2008. This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Jordan and me. We have in blown into a canvas print and framed in our bedroom.
And, ending the week strong with my girls. Jolie was moving like a wild woman and I couldn't get her to look at me.. hence her somewhat blurred hands. I have a feeling Parker is going to love the camera.. of course she gets this vanity from her father. duh.
Here it is, Friday, and while most are yelling TGIF- it is bittersweet for me. I cannot believe this week is already over. My last week home full time with these sweet babies- and I'd say it was a pretty good week overall- although, WAY too short. I am excited to go back to work and see some of my favorite faces everyday- but nothing will replace staying home with my sweet Parker and Jolie. I'm thankful for Jordan and his schedule so that he will be home with them when I am not, and for my mother in law to keep them sometimes, too.
Happy weekend, friends! Excited for a good weekend ahead, spending time with Jordan and the girls. Hope your's is a good one!
Linking up with From My Grey Desk and Life Rearranged

Oh our babies have the life, I wish someone would strap me into a Moby and snuggle me all day! Your girls look more precious every day! I can't wait for Reese's first real smile..
Parker looks smitten in her daddy's arms in the first picture! Can't wait to meet these sweet angels!! Eeekk! Their facial expressions can light up any room! Enjoy your weekend, love!
They are so beautiful!
Love these pictures!! The one of you and Jordan is gorgeous. I'm sorry you're returning to work next week but it sounds like you guys have an amazing setup!! I'd always planned to return to work until we found out there were TWO and our only option was daycare x 2. YUCK!! Anyway, your attitude is awesome (as always). Enjoy the last week, I hate to tell you this but month three goes by even quicker!! The good news is it just keeps getting better. :)
Your girls are so cute! Just found your blog, loving it!
Super cute! DId I miss pics of the nursery? I hope you show them soon!
your babies are precious! Your hands are full
LOVE the pic of your ladies with fireman dad:) super cute
what fun pictures you were able to capture of your little family! Thanks for sharing.
So cute to see them visiting their Daddy and Grandpa at work! And I just love all the cuteness x a million in your Vine video posts. Those two little ladies are so precious! Have a fabulous weekend!
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