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Happy Valentine's Day {2.14.2013}

Card: Katie @ Design on Paper via Easy



Katie said...

what adorable pictures!! and girls of course!! :)

Unknown said...

These pictures are so adorable! I love the headbands and leg warmers! Beautiful babies! :)

Ali G said...

Oh My goodness!!! These are the cutest pictures! You have beautiful girls! :)

Anonymous said...

overload of cuteness! how adorable! ;)

Lindsay @ la vita dolce said...

oh my word there is just so much cuteness in all those photos. they look beautiful! :)

Amanda C. said...

Okay, I am dying here. Thanks a lot for causing the drool session to start while I am sitting here at work, haha.

No but really, little Jolie and Parker are PERFECT. I cannot say it enough, EVER!

Happy Valentine's Day to you girls from Jax and I :)

Amanda said...

Happy 1st Valentine's Day to your cute baby girls!

Katie @ Design{on}Paper said...

They are so precious! I had so much fun working with you designing your card. Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sarah Tucker said...

Oh Amber, they look like little angels! Lovelovelove these pics!

The Joiners said...

Cutest, most squeezable little Valentines ever! Wish you would mail them to me! :)

Bri said...

Sweetest little Valentine's ever! They are all so adorable! Love the first one where Jolie has her arm linked with Parker's like, "Yeah that right.. she's my sista !" lol :) Hope you and your wonderful little family had a great Valentine's Day.

The Echols Family said...

Seriously - 1. your baby girls are SUPER precious, and 2. you have a killer photographer! That combination is melting me over here. Cuteness overload! Love the pictures!

Sheena said...

aah! sooo cute! happy (belated) valentine's day from our twins to yours! :)

Ashley said...

oh my! that last one of them sleeping is precious! They sleep IDENTICAL!

Meg said...

oh my goodness, they are just too precious :)

Lexie said...

Precious baby girls! Adorable pictures. I`m a new momma too. Twin girls. :) These pictures just melt my heart!

Can I ask a couple of quick questions? Are those your girls` blankets? I`d love to get my girls one of those heart blankets. So adorable!

And where do you get your girls` headbands aand babylegs? They are so cute! I adore dressing my girls up. And I`m always looking for new shops, to shop for them. Again, such precious baby girls....and pictures!

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