Remember when I went to The Hundred Event? If not, then refresh your memory HERE and then come right back. Kay?
I'll wait.
Taking a looksy backward to a few months ago when I spent an amazing weekend in Dallas made me remember how fun it was. With an amazing friend. Met a few and made a few along the way. And learned so so so much.
But that isn't what this Monday's post is about.
I brought this blogger's weekend away to the surface again because I talked on and on about the gracious gifts that were given..and the amazing item I walked away with during the Farewell Brunch of The Hundred Event.. The Sonnet James Remi Dress.
You've seen me wear it HERE..
..and if you follow via social media.. here it is again.
I cannot get enough of it. If you happened to click that link above, you'll see that this particular dress is modeled by the pregnant woman. Part of what drew me to it. The pregnant Bridget basically sold me on the whole deal. "This is the best thing you'll ever wear. THE best.. AND you can wear it while you are pregnant, too!" It was a room full of shoes and jewelry, so I was praying that taking her word for it wouldn't be a mistake.
It wasn't. I have worn this dress out. OUT, out, out. and to work. and to church. the grocery store. the park. playdates. and hubby and wife dates, too.
It fits for me. For me as a mom, but also for the me thats a wife and a professional.
AND the me that will still be able to wear it when I'm 82 weeks pregnant.
not pregnant.
There is nothing more feminine than a sweet little dress. A dress that fits you well. The talented Whitney of Sonnet James hit the nail on the head with her dress designs. With busy women like me in mind. And if you follow her on Instagram (sonnetjames) you already know she is in the midst of designing her newest line (FORTY dresses!!) and I, for one, cannot wait for it's release. I also love that she's a mom. A designer and a mom. With the me thats a mom in mind.
Play dresses for playful moms.
I was SO excited when Whitney agreed to share a piece of her talent with my readers.
I am giving one lucky lady her very own Sonnet James dress!
Enter for your chance to win in the Rafflecopter below.
In the meantime- head over the Sonnet James and browse a little. I know you'll love them all!
Contest ends Thursday, October 16th at 12AM CST.
Good Luck:)

Definitely the Remi dress - so cute! Love all the color combinations!
Definitely the Remi dress - love all the color combinations!
I like the Marni Dress in the summer blue stripe
The (sold out, of course) Kate dress!! SO cute!!
So excited about this giveaway! Love Sonnet James. Thank you
I think I'll need a dress like this after the twins arrive! Something comfy but still cute so I can feel like my old self again - yet still wear once I feel "back to normal!"
I think I'll need a dress like this after the twins arrive! Something comfy but still cute so I can feel like my old self again - yet still wear once I feel "back to normal!"
She's such a talented designer, I totally agree that you could wear any of her dresses "dressed up" to work or "dressed down" for casual Mommy time. I love anything with a baseball tee look, and loving the Quincy in Plum!
Whoa! It's hard to choose which one, they are all so cute!
I just found out that I am pregnant, so I am on the hunt for clothes I can wear both during my pregnancy and after! This is perfect and adorable!
I like the reese in grey. Hard to choose though!
Love them all, but think I would pick the Marni with summer blue stripes!
Love the Remi in Chocolate and Navy!
Love this dress! Who doesn't want something pretty and comfy at the same time! I will definitely need a bunch when I decide to have another baby.
Love this dress, so adorable. Thanks for the chance!
Love this dress, so adorable. Thanks for the chance!
Love the Constance dress! They are so cute but look so comfy too. Definitely what I need when chasing my two (nearly mobile) littles around!
I would love to get the Marni dress in stripe. So cute!
So hard to pick a favorite! But the striped Marni Dress keeps catching my eye. So adorable!
So excited about this giveaway! I love the dresses of Sonnet James (all of them, really hard to just pick 1..but if I win I sure will manage:)
Absolutely love your blog!
I love the Reese dress! They are all so cute though!
Excited about this giveaway! Love all the Sonnet James dress line ... it's hard to pick just 1 .. but if I win I sure will manage:)
Absolutely love your blog!
Ok well in that case I'll have the Mara, The Remi, the Marni, and the Jill! These are adorable!
The Quincy dress in Plum and the Pink Priscilla are SO ADORABLE! Love love love. Also, I know I already said it before, I am obsessed with your hair in that second pic! You're so stunning!!
The Marni dress is adorable!!!
Love the Remi and the Stella...really all! I am pregnant with twins and have a toddler so I think these dresses would be amazing:)
Love the Remi and the Stella...really all! I am pregnant with twins and have a toddler so I think these dresses would be amazing:)
I love the remi dress! Perfect for work and play!
The Marni dress! 😍😍
The marni dress!
Absolutely IN LOVE with that dress. Love the baseball tee look!
I love the Remi dress but also really like the Reese dress.
I love the Remi dress in black and white
Love all the dresses!!!!
Baby will be here anyday now, it'd be nice to have a comfy but still cute dress to wear :-)
Love this dress!
These dresses look so comfy and versatile! Pick me! ;)
What a cute dress! Thanks for the opportunity to win it- I found your blog shortly after finding out I was expecting twins, and now that my girls are here I have loved all the tips, advice and encouragement for being a twin momma. Thanks again! :)
What a cute dress! Thanks for the opportunity to win it- I found your blog shortly after finding out I was expecting twins, and now that my girls are here I have loved all the tips, advice and encouragement for being a twin momma. Thanks again! :)
Love the Reese dress!
I adore the Jil Dress!
The Remi Dress-- in gray & white! Love :)
Love this dress!!
This dress is definitely the cutest!
Love this dress the best! Everything is practically SOLD OUT on the website. They need to restock soon!
I like the Reese dress in Grey.
Remi or Mari, all are so cute!
Love the dresses, and love reading your blog and all of your fun ideas!
Always need nice mom clothes!
These dresses are beautiful! I love the Mara - blue dress!
All of the dresses are so cute. Love the Remi dress!
This dress is adorable! I cannot wait to wear this to work and feel like I am "dressed down"and look amazing. :)
Gorgeous friend! And that dress looks as comfy as it felt!
Reese or Kate!
Adore the Mara dress (blue) and so many more!
Remi dress for sure!
Remi dress for sure!
I love the Reese, Remi and Marni!
All of these dresses look so cute - I love the Marni dress!
I love the Remi dress in navy and chocolate!
Remi dress in navy and chocolate for sure!
Loving the Reece dress
What a brilliant line! I love the Mara dress in red. Just fabulous. :)
The Remi is cute! Love Love the different color combos!
The Remi is cute! Love Love the different color combos!
I tried to look at the website but none of the dresses would load and they almost all say sold out! I love the dress you're wearing in the pictures, though.
This is the perfect dress for a Texas Fall :)
I love the Remi in navy and gray! They are alllll stunning though!
Love the Doutzen dress and HEARTBROKEN that it is sold out! Come back, please?!
Wow so great! I love the Reese dress!
Remi dress! Yes, please!
Remi dress!!
Remi dress!!
Love the Kate dress!
Would love to win this super cute dress!
I'm in love with the Eve!
MJ Moore
ooooh I like the Marni dress with the blue and white stripes! These dresses look SO comfy!!
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