There is no way my kids have EVER eaten enough to produce the amount of vomit and diapers we went through over that three day period. Between the growing pile of laundry and fever we eventually opted to forgo regular clothes all together.
Then realized we needed to save face of the carpets of our house.
Pants it is.
onesie / nesbow custom graphics
We were all dying to get out of the house. We needed a few random things that could have waited, be we decided that it was worth the trip to actually warrant decent clothing and brushing teeth.
Costco never fails.
The empty aisles on a Wednesday made great runways for these little birds and the energy they were dying to expend.
Those faces. I missed that happiness. We were so caught up in the idea of leaving the house that we walked out without diapers. or wipes. With an empty diaper bag in tow it was by the grace of God that we weren't in a desperate situation.
Costco sells in bulk. So there was that option. But, thankfully we didn't have to take advantage of it.
hairbows / two little bees boutique // shorts / odarling handmade // moccasins / freshly picked
The rest of Wednesday was good, Thursday was okay outside of the diapers that could clear the state of Texas (Sorry, Bree). Dinner appetites were weird, so I thought, milk couldn't hurt? We haven't had milk in nearly a week in attempt to cut the dairy with the tummy bug. Wrong.
So because I thought it was over, it wasn't. Doesn't it always work out that way? Jordan was at the fire station on Thursday night (shocker) and Jolie woke at 11:08pm throwing up (milk.. or what was left of it from the previous 4 hours). The Pack and Play remained for the 4th night in a row and so did the clingy babe through the rest of the night. Friday morning came quick and Jordan played daddy duty while I headed off to the dentist (the dentist is stealing all of my money this month..)
Parker and Jolie snoozed through the rest of the morning and into the afternoon - ate a huge lunch - most likely as much as they've eaten this entire week combined, so it seemed appropriate to let them out to play for an hour or so while their daddy washed the cars.
baby in a bucket - o- suds.
headwrap / shelby chic boutique // swim suit / babyGap (similar)
Tips welcome, ya'll
Saturday we were on the full mend. Leaving the house didn't seem so scary, so when the Cabrera's invited us over to swim we obliged without a second thought! Watermelon is alway better poolside.
These kiddos. ZERO fear. We opted out of the swim lessons for another year, but I am second guessing this decision. They absolutely love the water and have no problem just diving right in to whomever is standing below to catch them. I have looked for floaties, but these littles are too small at the moment to fit into any that I've seen. Open to suggestions, mommas!
Daddy dunk. Not always resulting in laughter, but hey, you got a 50-50 chance over crying.
bathing booties. If you follow me on IG (@masseya), you saw this SPAM all up in that 2x2 space.
After lunch on the patio and about 47 pounds of watermelon we piled into the couches of the Cabrera living room to watch Columbia take the win in the World Cup.
Diana is from Columbia and even baby Jacob was wearing his mini-jersey in support.
I can't believe I didn't snap a pic. Parker and Jolie played perfect babysitters for sweet little Juliette. I'm loving that they are so sweet to other babies.
headwrap / shelby chic boutique // baseball tee / the wild feathers band
After swim and fun with friends we decided there wasn't anything in the house worth eating (nothing at a lllllll) so we stopped at Blue Goose for some Mexican food before heading home.
We walked into (and inadvertently crashed) BB & Papa's double date with friends.
How about a couple babies to share those fajitas with?
Sorry. You don't get that choice.
Hayyyy Parks. Look over at Momma.
As we walked out of the restaurant the 'splash pad' area was swarming with kids. We had Parker & Jolie's suits in the car and I just so happened to throw 8 swim diapers in the pool bag for fear of going through every single one of them while we were at the pool..
How about wear them out before bed? Dooooo it. We had been meaning to take them to a splash pad of sorts, and what perfect timing!
It didn't take too long before they figured out that the water came shooting out without warning.
Don't let that face fool you. She was totally digging it.
Just needed a little swig of that water..
or a gulp.
One of my best girls friends and I have a running joke about those kids (boys) that go and sit/stand over that shooting water. We can't help but laugh.. and then my child (Parker) goes and sits on it.
Of course she did. And then she paid for it. We laughed. really hard.
she was finnnnnneee.
Jordan was back to work on Sunday, leaving me and the girls to the weekly grocery trip and errands before starting over with Monday.
We always start the trip in the produce section of the grocery store.. and so that means we always start with 1 (or threeee) bananas each. Most often I buy two bundles of bananas before the hour long trip is over. I hand over the peels at check out and usually don't have to explain due to the monkeys hanging from my cart.
Getting through the store takes bananas (as above).. and snacks. Lots and lots of snacks. I dread the day they won't fit in the front of the cart. I had a clerk attempt to give me the grocery cart version of a Greyhound bus. I politely declined. Give me one time with that thing and I'll bulldoze 7 aisle stands and all food hanging out on the corners when I turn..
headbands / jameson monroe // chambray top / cherokee for Target (size 6 month dress) // shorts / babyGap // moccasins / freshly picked
By the time we get to check out, it is always a circus. If looks could kill the woman behind me would have shot me dead. 11 times over. She watched (judging the entire way through) Parker pull off every candy bar from the shelf and secretly proceed to offer them to the grocery checker while I unloaded my cart onto the belt.Wonder what was going through her mind when I pulled out my camera to take a picture?
Thankfully that trip ended without a meltdown. We passed out in our car seats before I even got out of the parking lot (typical). Usually it is not problem to come right home and transfer them right to their cribs and then I'm baby-free to put away groceries and eat something for lunch.
Since waking up sick (from both ends) multiple times over this last week, Jolie had associated her crib/nap/bed time with the negative experience of being sick.
Sleep was tough to come by on Saturday night (she was up not just crying, screaming) from 11pm-3am. There was not soothing her but to hold her. I offered water, milk, we sat up and shared our 4th banana and a couple goldfish crackers.. then she woke Parker.
It was a rough night. Parker napped from 9:30am (after waking at 5:30am!) into 2pm..and Jolie refused. The 14 minutes of sleep in the car was enough.
Lots of crying on Sunday afternoon. Refused lunch. Refused milk. Refused snacks. I filled the baby pool and water table - cried through that. We tried popsicles for the first time - not having it at all.
(NOTE: I've actually decided that I won't be counting that as our first time with popsicles. We will be re-doing this 'baby first' later this week)
ANYway. After lathering them up with sunscreen, only to come back inside without even stepping a teeny toe into the pool I prompted a bath. Everyone feels better after a bath, right? So I hoped. I was desperate to make the evening more successful than the afternoon.
Bath and jammies (and letting puppy and wubi come out early) worked like a charm. We cuddled, played puzzles, cooked a little in the imaginary kitchen.. It was a fun evening.After the week we had last week, I'm really for a new week. Slate scraped clean.
..and then there is the holiday. Already working towards a win.

that sounds so exhausting! I hope this week is a better one! they are just the cutest - especially in the pool pictures!
I am so in love with your girls. They are the sweetest. And it doesn't hurt that they are so pretty.
Love reading a fellow twin mom blog! My littles are all on the petite side and we still bought them the Puddle Jumpers. They are a bit too big for them, but it's better than nothing because ours, too, have zero fear and leap right off the ledge. Good luck!
Glad everyone's feeling better.
We also use Puddle Jumpers. This is our 3rd summer using the same ones. We started when my girls were your girls' age.
Puddle jumpers! They work even if a little big!
Where did you get those state shirts?? Adorbs!
What a cute baby with headband. if you need some
organic yoga headwrap for men then Kooshoo is one stop.
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