If I were to say this weekend was jam packed- I would be lying. It was way more than that. Very unintentional, actually. But- Laying in bed last night, recollecting over the last four days with my sweet hubby, we both agreed it was a super fun weekend.
Friday kicked it off right: a lunch date with the bestest. Jolie and Parker had the attention of the entire restaurant with their giggles and loud laughter. It had been awhile since Miss Ashley and myself had gotten together just girls, so it was really enjoyable. Not to mention the fact that I stuffed my face with the best gyro on the planet.. and then the rest of Ashley's, too.. don't judge me.
My babies adore this girl. For good reason, too!Babies may not like the kisses as much as momma and Aunty do.
Friday night we had the pleasure of a home cooked meal by the Mix and Match Mama herself. Her Pizza Sloppy Joes were totally yumm-o.. combined with good company of Shay and Andrew, we stayed up extra late (10pm!).
Saturday I got up and headed solo to the grocery (my favorite!) and then back home to pack up and head out to the sister-in-law's house for dinner with the family. Adam (Jenna's hubby) made a delicious pork loin on the grill, and Adam's momma set up a crazy yummy salad bar.. I was just fine not doing the hosting for the second dinner meal in a row :) I was perfectly content lovin' on my sweet baby niece, Kendall.
I only got one picture from the entire day we spent together.. but it was the best picture I could have possibly taken!
Sunday was the perfect day. So beauitful outside. We started the day giving praise to my Savior..
..followed by sillies in the afternoon before heading out (yet again!) for dinner- at Ashley's parent's house this time. My adult bevi of choice on that beautiful afternoon. Extra spicy, please.
No one smile at her, touch her, talk to her, or look in that general direction all together. Grouch!
Post teething baby meltdown {45 minutes of inconsolable crying from this little one.} I'm thankful for these 'episodes' rather than non-stop, but man those tears and painful cries break my heart.
Nothing a cold beer can't take care of, right? Baby bevi of choice? No.. but still funny- complete with her stone cold fridge face.
Let's be real here.. my babies love, love, love the Ashley and Jarrett.
It was THE perfect day outside and we totally took advantage. After Jolie cheered up, we had our first time in the shady grass. The LOVED being outside!
My sweet girls {and monster cheese of a smile}As if we didn't fit enough in Friday-Sunday, Jordan and I kept it going on Monday. We headed out early for Jolie's physical therapy appointment and the day was super busy from there! More groceries, shopping, lunch, and more shopping before heading home.
Whew... but our sweet company was so smiley and such good sports for spending almost the entire day in these car seats.
You thought this post was never ending, didn't you?
It was such a great weekend for me.. love a good time with family and friends.. and really, any time is the BEST time with Parker and Jolie. Just sayin'.
Linking up with Tori for Anything & Everything!

So glad you had such a fun weekend! I can't get over how much Parker is your mini me and Jolie is your husband's mini me... at least that's what it looks like from pictures!
Thanks for coming to dinner! We had a great time with your sweet family :).
It sounds and looks like y'all had a great weekend! Your family is just about the cutest I have ever seen. :)
Such a great pic of you & j... Favorite couple!
Your little girls are so cute!
We have the same Chicco car seat and love it (although my 8 month old daughter is quickly outgrowing it!) Just an FYI that once your babes weigh over 11 pounds, Chicco strongly recommends removing the newborn insert (the light gray part in the seat). You can find instructions in the car seat manual.
P&J's facial expressions are the best. I think my t-totally favorite candid out of all of them is the beer one. I mean really? Haha, its the cutest. Jaxon has a slight obsession with daddy's Corona and Landshark bottles. I am guessing the bottle is his thing and he doesn't understand why anyone else would be drinking out of them. So funny! I can relate to kisses and babies, Jaxon doesn't seem as interested or intrigued by receiving them as much as I am with giving. Oh well. They will learn ;)
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