With every month that passes with Parker and Jolie, I find myself feeling at a bit of a loss of words as I sit down to write posts like these. They continue to grow and change, and just about every single day I think or say aloud,
"Thats a first."
What I do know is that these 'firsts' will grow to be few and far in between, but I am excited to be there for as many 'firsts' as you'll allow, sweet girls.
These girls are making the very best of these summer months and loving the water! We go to the pool just about every single day and made our first trip to a real water park this month. These two are ALL about it. This summer is WAY more fun than last summer (18 months) as in they are more independent than ever right now. In the same sentence I can also express that their independence absolutely terrifies me.
Strange dogs/animals.
Nothing seems to bother.
Jolie all but 'sucked the head' of a crawfish at a family boil a couple weekends ago.
But, alas. Cars.
'watch cars, mama. cars geetyew (get you)'
Good girls.
Parker and Jolie have become insanely helpful. They want to be right in the middle of everything- helping me, Jordan, their BB, Papa.. you name it, they don't discriminate..as long as you can appreciate a toddler's assistance.
I walked in from work yesterday and the first thing Parker said to me was "we cut the flowers, mama!"
Their BB proceeded to explain that they trimmed the rose bushes that line the walkway to our front door. Always the helpers. Always. And then they talk about it for days following. I love hearing their little voices depict how they helped with whatever.. I am confident to say that there is nothing sweeter at all.
These two fight. They fight a lot. And its not just a little disagreement and then its over. Its an all out cat fight: arms flailing, hair pulling, girl screeching, and sister scolding.
..and there isn't much to stop them. They go from playing quietly (often together) to a cat fight situation and it takes more than just me to break it up. They don't care who you are or what you are threatening them with - she who gets the last slap wins the fight.
About 90% of the time..
Parker cries.
Jolie wins.
On the other side of it- Jo Grace and Parker are the best of friends. They don't want to do one single thing without the other. Constant observance of one another and that is just the best to this mama's heart. Parker has turned into a pretty motherly toddler. She mother-hens her sister and her mama pretty often. If Jolie is sad or upset about something, she is quick to pat her back, give her kisses, and console her 'jowee gace'. Jolie is just the silliest of them all - and I have no idea where she gets her crazy personality. Her daddy and me are pretty outgoing, but this girl by far outshines this family of four, thats a fact. Her glowing smile never fails to spread a smile across my face.
-- Favorite phrases of the month --
after coughing/sneezing/blowing my nose, "you okay, mama?"
while I am washing the dishes after a meal time - they take turns popping their heads up from the couch "heyywooo!"
'dada silleeeeyy!"
while I am washing the dishes after a meal time - they take turns popping their heads up from the couch "heyywooo!"
'dada silleeeeyy!"
after exploring an earth worm on the side walk, "We see a woooom! yew touch it?"
after acknowledging the request for one more show before bedtime, "watch one more bubble guppies, mama? I wuv yew mama."
while sitting on the potty, holding my hand, "mama. you get out."
after jumping into the water from on top of daddy's shoulders, "do agaiiin from yew shoulders!"
After sitting down on the couch first thing in the morning to watch a slew of toddler tv while I attempt wake up for the day "mama, yew get yew cofkee?"
After sitting down on the couch first thing in the morning to watch a slew of toddler tv while I attempt wake up for the day "mama, yew get yew cofkee?"
"I a BIG girl!"
..speaking of big girls.. the greatest milestone we hit this month: BIG girl beds!!
We decided to skip the toddler beds all together and go straight for the twin sized beds. They had already been sleeping in a make-sift toddler bed for months and months (we cut out three boards from the front of their crib so they could craw in and out) and decided what better time than now to make the transition.
After searching high and low for a good deal on a couple of decently looking beds, we found some we really loved at Walmart and hoped that they were as good as they looked when they finally arrived. We went with a regular spring mattress for the girls this time ($99 Serta brand at Sam's Club). As they get bigger we will probably get a pillow top for comfort, but at this age they don't need it. Generally, the firmer, the better (better support for growing bodies). We went with a good middle ground: a firm innerspring mattress with a comfortable topper.
We came straight home and put them together.. and of course the twins were right smack in the middle of all of it. And they have been talking about 'helping dada' ever since.
Finally at 11pm, after many contemplations of having them sleep in the pack and plays for the night, we had two assembled beds + two sleeping babes.
Again with this mama's pride- they have been such big girls.
Again with this mama's pride- they have been such big girls.
Big girls is an understatement.
They totally rocked this bed transition thing.
31 Month Photo Dump
We start with a couple of naked babies. We had just come in from the pool and the first thing they do is strip down to nothing.
This particular afternoon, they insisted that they 'woooo-haw' before mama made them get into the shower.
Saving this one for their wedding videos.
zero fear. they jumped once, and never wanted to stop. the sweetest smile ever. she loved the sparklers!
not so much of the actual fireworks.
mama-daughter selfies.
costco. they are so not interested in my photo snapping.
daddy lifting baby Jo up to cool off in front of the big fan at the food truck park.
that smile.
pretty much sums their personalities up to a 't'.
my little beauty. sister was sleeping extra hard at nap time, leaving me and Jo Grace to an afternoon of snuggling in mama's bed with popcorn and Mickey Mouse.
sister sleeps. They never get old.
no ma'am'ed by a toddler.
in public.
wiped out after the July 4th weeks festivities. they fell asleep within moments of pulling out of the driveway to run a couple errands, slept in the car, being pulled out of the car seat, in our arms as we walked through a quick trip to Sam's, and back into their carseats before heading to lunch.
that is some good sleep.
water bugs..
..playing that hards makes for a nearly silent walk home from the pool.
An hour after putting the girls down to bed for the night, I walked out of the nursery to get a drink, and there was parker, sitting on the wall outside littlest sister's room, as quiet as a mouse.
so, we made the best of our silly time.
bubble baths. I tried to make it more fun and color the water red for the July 4th holiday.
Jolie freaked out. Legit freaked out.
Calling it Minnie Mouse bubbles didn't convince her that it was fun, either.
I couldn't stop thinking of ryan gosling when I was looking back through these pictures I snapped.
hey girl.
sister whispers and giggles.
Melt me..
..dont forget the hugs.
mid-song. per the usual.
'jowee gace- blow me chicken, please!'
Apparently her chicken was too hot and needed to be blown to cool it down.
Story time with Cookie. Cookie (Jordan's Aunt Jenny) lives in Seattle and sends the girls books and we make time during the week to FaceTime with her so she can read them a story before bed.
my girls.
..they made me a mama first.
..and I am forever thankful to have been chosen for this job.

What kind of mattress did you go with for the girls? About to transition my son into a twin bed and can't decide on foam vs. spring and then the million brands to follow! Thanks!'
Don't even get me started on all of the cuteness in this post! The transition to the big girl bed is awesome!!! I love the buddy blankets too! Lol
My heart is so full seeing the love you have for your babes. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and this made me so excited to be approaching motherhood. <3
I am sure it is not fun as the mom that has to break up the fight, but this is hilarious!!!! "she who gets the last slap wins the fight."
Jackie- We went with a regular spring mattress for the girls this time ($99 Serta brand at Sam's Club). As they get bigger we will probably get a pillow top for comfort, but at this age they don't need it. Generally, the firmer, the better (better support for growing bodies). We went with a good middle ground: a firm innerspring mattress with a comfortable topper. I've updated the post to reflect what we did for the mattress:)
So precious! Love the pool floaters, where did you find them? I've been looking for some:)
These two remind me of MK & A so much! I just love them so much. I can imagine how fun they are and I secretly find myself wishing Jaxon was a twin. Although, that would be a disaster but so much fun! This is such a fun age and I wish I could bottle it up and save it forever! XO
adorable! gotta ask where did you find the flag hair bows?
I'm in love with all the love in this post!! Your girls are absolutely the cutest!And the beds look fabulous!
These photos are absolutely precious! Yes, sister snuggles are the absolute sweetest!
absolutely wonderful post. Love the face time idea with the books
love how much you love your family
Seriously cutest family of all time! I feel so weird that I have followed along with your blog and love reading about y'all but have never met you or your girls. Congratulations on the newest little one (I know I'm late but haven't ever said it.) SO exciting that you will have three baby girls! Can't wait to see her and that nursery!!!!
The cutest twins I ever did see x
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