Christmas Day came and went in a blur. It has been several years since we have traveled on Christmas Day - after the flu kept us home one year, we decided, that even with the sickness that it was the best Christmas ever because we spent it at home, and not bouncing from house to house for small bits of time at each.
Therefore.. it is only fit to master the pajama game and never get out if them for the day's entirety. This was really FUN for me to start this year with Parker and Jolie, and I had even more fun allowing Chelsea of Jameson Monroe design something to perfectly coordinate with their Hanna Andersson Christmas jams. She's a hair bow genius, I tell you.
I had to convince them to have a good time on Christmas morning, can't you tell?
Smarties made their way into their stockings, so it was totally fine to share a sleeve before 9am.
I pulled all the presents out from under the tree and arranged them so Parker and Jolie could easily get to them for opening. They had this down to a science. Helping each other when needed, but for the most part going at it solo with success.
Jolie - that girl is so animated. I do believe 'Holy Cow' came out of that little mouth three times while opening her new diaper bag for her babies.
While I cleaned up the holiday paper mess and made myself another cup of coffee, the girls played briefly with their new toys. My Little Ponies hitched a ride on Mickey's Train through the kitchen as Parker took them on a tour. Thats her new 'thing'. When we call (FaceTime) with family, friends, or with Daddy while he's at the fire station, she walks around the house to each room with the phone outward facing to talk about every room - ending with 'T-Bee' (TV) in the living room.
Jo waited patiently for Dad to finish reading all the directions of their new Little People Happy Home.
Time to load up to have Christmas number two with BB and Papa.
Jolie started feeling bad the night before, and it all came to a head on Christmas Day with fever and monstrous congestion. Her Momma was feeling pretty blue herself and barely had a voice to boot.
She is always in good spirits, and it takes A LOT to slow her down. She stayed close to my lap for most of the day.
^^ and that is the highlight of the day, folks. I think we were all thankful that the only thing on the agenda for the day was a (long winter's) nap and chicken spaghetti for dinner.
Still recovering from the day before, our house has pretty much remained in this state.
..and while it seems as if every single (motivated) person in my IG feed has put Christmas away until next year, this preggo has yet to find that pep in my step to do so. Plus, I can't get over how much I love seeing all of our friends and family on display. I got awesome ideas from everyone that commented on this picture when I posted it a couple days ago (thank you!!) and I have to say, I never thought to do any of them before now.
I'm already missing Christmas. Not because it was extra lazy. Not because we ate amazing food. Definitely NOT because my kids (and me, too!) were sick.. I could leave that at the door, thanks.
But because spending time with my family, celebrating the One and Only, and of course watching the joy of Christmas in my daughters' eyes. It was another year of pure sweetness and I can only imagine that it gets better. Hard to believe this time next year, these Merry Massey's will have another addition.
God is good good good, ya'll.

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