Parker and Jolie enjoyed their lunch in the parking lot before we got to have out brunch/lunch. How precious are these babies? Parke's eyes continue to get darker and more grey by the day (just like her momma!)
..and Jolie's eyes. Holy pool of crystal blue. Jealousy becomes me of my 6 month old little beauty.
Thank you Jameson Monroe and GroopDealz for these perfect headbows. BB sure knows how to dress these girls' heads, but when they aren't in a BB original, we love, love, love Jameson Monroe.
Time for brunch! Jacob with his little ladies..
None of these three lastest much longer in their seats and ended up dancing, playing, laying in and among our food on the table (yea..we are those people. Take control of your kids.)Parker was getting sleepy and oh-so-snuggley with Chris. That girl is so so so sweet.
After lunch we walked the shops and made a stop into Gymboree- their huge 70% off sale banners were calling my name. I picked up these precious sun hats for P&J to wear during our future and frequent trips to the pool. 99 cents, people. ninety-nine cents. I also grabbed some leggings for last this fall/winter.
What's better than sweet baby cheeks under a floppy hat?
Sunday morning we woke up to thunderstorms and gloomy clouds- which called for spending a little more time in our jammies. Jolie was being extra sweet with her Daddy and don't those eyes just glow with adoration for him? Melts me!
oh.. and Jolie recently went bald.. in case you didnt notice.
More loving on her daddy.. post blow out in those sweet crabby jams. So we didn't spend that long in our pj's.
After morning nap we headed out to run a few errands. We pal'd around together: Target, Lowe's, and Tom Thumb were all on the list of to-do's.
Halfway down the road after leaving the house we realized we forgot the stroller. Happens more often than you would think.. but when you are lugging just about everything out of the house when trying to go somewhere- we end up always forgetting something. At least it's not a baby, right? So- strategically stacking the carseats in the shopping carts for every stop we made became a game. We got quiet good at it by the end of the day.
My little love bug. She chatted me up all the way through Lowe's.
Finally last stop!! Picking up steaks for dinner:) Jo held my drink for me while I pushed the cart..
..and Parker and Daddy made sure to pick out the best fillets on the shelf.
While out.. I picked up this beauty to try my hand at baby food making. After an afternoon of making pounds of puree (ok, pounds might be a slight exaggeration) it was a success! Stay tuned for my baby food making experience!
Crash landing into Sunday evening. No joke.
It was a good weekend with my sweet family. I adore hanging out together just us four- makes my short weekends SO much better.
Bonus! Monday morning I got a notification that Jolie's picture was selected for voting by Parent's magazine! I submitted both girls last week, seperately.. but realized this week I could have done a picture of them together.. boo! I resubmitted a picture of both my sweet girls.. but for now Jolie is in the running!!
This morning her picture ranked at #20 (of hundreds!) thanks to my sweet IG friends! Go vote and then vote again:) Both of my girls are up their for voting- so don't forget about sweet baby Parker Jane.Vote for Jolie here
Vote for Parker here
You can vote once a day:)

Just voted for my favorite little ladies :))
Glad you had a wonderful weekend!!
Love the floppy hats :)
Love those floppy hats, I'm going to have to get one for my little one!
All voted for those cuties! Looks like a great weekend girly! Let us know how they like the homemade baby food! yummy :)
THESE TWO. I am smitten.
Honestly, mama, you have their colors figured out already. I am not surprised. You are bomb at picking out outfits and styling them together. These girls will never miss a beat on fashion with you. You are teaching them and dressing them well. THUMBS UP!
Not to mention, I am dying over their big blue eyes. I could get lost in them for days!
Your girls are ADORABLE! Where did you get the car seat toy? It looks like it might play music and I have been looking everywhere for something like that for my babies! Thanks!
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