I got a pretty little package in the mail last week. I love getting snail mail. It is my most favorite ever. This particular peice of snail mail was extra special, and came just in time! I was contemplating on attire to wear to one of just about a bajillion baby showers I have on my calendar and it was like the fashion lords from above came down to solve my outfit confusion.
Ok. A little extreme? Well.. I'm a little excited.
eShakti was so kind and allowed me to pick any item from their sweet site to review. I had never heard of them before, but when I got to their site it was really impressed with all that they had to offer. Being someone that is sort of a brand snob (hence my entire wardrobe being from Loft and a few other places in between) I was excited to find that a lot of their clothing was something I would wear on the regular.
Now.. I know my size and I know how things from certain places (cough**Loft**cough) fit me, so I am completely comfortable ordering something online without trying it on. I almost prefer online shopping these days. Half the time I wont try something on in the store out of pure laziness. I LOVE shopping, but really dispise trying on... plus why shop in public when I can do so with my dirty hair in a top knot, sans makeup, and sweat pants.
True story.
But- ording from an online shop that I've never shopped with before? Not so sure about this one. Alas, another plus to this online clothing shop. Their website offers regular sizing, as well as customization for women size 0 through 36. You can customize anything, through their easy 3-step design and fit page.
So, thats just what I did, and it was SO easy:) My biggest problem is finding something that fits me well everywhere, not just some places. Sometimes it is too big in the neck..other times the arms are too tight or too lose.. and length- the most annoying at all. I have made mention that I really love my maternity tops (still!) because of their longer length..
..and pants.. that's a whole other rant to be told.
I chose this gorgeous shift dress to review. I love the neck tie details and the multi colors- these colors scream Spring time, and what better time to wear it than now with the approach of warmer weather.
Excuse Daphnee's bootie in the background. Jordan had just given her a chew bone and she was a little excited and all up in my business.
Thank you eShakti for introducing me to your brand. I'll for sure be making another browse through for purchase soon!
Hmm.. this dress would be a great dress paired with these shoes.. or these shoes..actually, I really need these shoes. I'll throw it with this cardigan.
I do believe I'm all set for Easter Sunday.
Linking up with Tucker Up, Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy, Get Your Pretty On, and Rolled Up Pretty, Stylelixir