Whew-this weekend was full to the brim!! Lemme see if I can break it down. Friday we went to Mel and Brian's house for dinner with their sweet little ones. Brian has an interview with Irving Fire Dept. on Wednesday and Jordan and I went so that he and Brian could talk about the expectations of the interview. We ordered pizza and Mel and I talked about anything and everything and Jordan and Brian talked about fire
stuff. It was a nice and low key evening. Saturday morning I woke up at 5:30am so that I could be in Fort Worth by 7:00am. I am a member for the
American Diabetes Association and every year they put on an event sponsoring the awareness and study of diabetes. The past two years the ADA has put on an event called
TourdeCure, a 65 mile bike ride, at the Texas Motor Speedway. Anyway, I was a volunteer (but was wishing the whole time I was a rider!!) and me and two other girls were set up at the first rest stop, The Triangle Stop. The stop was about 10 miles into the race, so we had a lot of people stop and grub on our trail mix, oranges, bananas, pretzels, animal crackers and granola bars. It was amazing to me how thankful they all were for us being there. It made it an even more gratifying experience than it already was in the first place. I also loved the fact that almost all of them were diabetics and they all looked so healthy and compliant with their lifelong committment to living with diabetes. We were offering Gatorade and water, and so many questioned what we had in the coolers, just to make sure it had some form of sugar in it to prevent their blood glucose from dropping later down the road. Overall it was such a fun experience, even if it was a
chilly morning!!! Next year..I think I'll be a rider ;)
After I got home from the TourdeCure, Jordan and I left to go to the Dallas Starz! game. It was pretty much like, I walked in the door and we walked out. The game was at 1pm, and so I was rushing from Ft. Worth so we could get to the other side of the metroplex. I have been to plenty of games and it is always so fun. Hockey is one sport, besides football, that I love. It is kinda boring on tv, but at the actual arena, it is not boring at all! Anyway, we went with some friends from the fire department and had a good time. After the game we came home long enough to doctor Brittany up, and then we were off again to eat dinner. We ate at Johnny Carino's..I cannot get enough of that place! We hadn't been in awhile, so it was nice to go. They know us far too well. We always order the Italian Cream Sodas and before we could say anything, we had two at our table :) Yummy!! We ate and then I dropped J off at the house so he could go to bed. He had an allnight hospital rotation at Baylor ER. So, he went home to take a power nap before going to the hospital at 10:30pm. While he napped, I did my weekly grocery shopping. Normally I go bright and early in the morning, but, since I was in Fort Worth..I decided to do it in the evening. Needless to say it was a busy weekend, but I enjoyed it!
Abbie, Amber and Melanie-The Triangle Stop Team

Our riders getting their refreshments
James West, a Chairman of the event..He was a cutie!! He was the captain of his team
The Rusty Needles. He said 'I'm an old diabetic, no pun intended.'

More Riders

American Airlines Center

Star Spangled Banner

Me and My sweetie

Brittany getting wrapped up. She pulled out two of her stitches..so, we had to re-bandage her. She seems annoyed at this! You can see one of her incisions. :(
She is sitting so funny!! Such a cutie (with crazy eyes!) We LOVE her!