The Massey's (est. 2005)

The Massey's (still est. in 2008)

We decided to celebrate on Saturday when we had less to worry about and more time to spend :) Saturday day, Jordan had his clinicals, so I decided to go and get my mani/pedi, and just have a 'me' day. I got up made myself breakfast, showered and got all 'pretty' and went to get my mani/pedi. Oh, it was so nice, I Loved It!! Then, I went to Michael's, and Target..and just walked around. I probably spent an hour reading greeting cards, and laughing out loud to some of them! I got home in time to meet Jordan at the door with a kiss and we were off to Stonebriar Mall in Frisco for reservations at The CheeseCake Factory. We love that place! The food was so yummy and the cheesecake was even better!! (Jordan's Fav: White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle..My fav: Adam's Peanut Butter Fudge Ripple; try em' out!)
After dinner we walked the mall a little while and then went to see The Dark Knight. GREAT movie! It really is as good as everyone has made it up to be and I highly reccommend it! We got home around 11pm, and poor Brittany was wild and ready to play, so we had fun with the camera, and finally got in our PJs and layed in bed.
It was a great anniversary and I am so thankful for the past three years with my husband. He is so incredibly amazing, and my best friend. I can't wait for the many more years to come!! Here are some pictures from Our Anniversary :)
Me and My Hubby:

My New Jewelry Box