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photo dump | life lately

I just realized that this post is full of FOOD.  that's what life lately has been about, apparently.. complete chaos surrounded by food.
truth be told there hasn't been a ton going on outside of the day to day shenanigans of managing three under four and growing a human over here.
some days its just about surviving without a complete meltdown and other days are really amazing. 
the usual:
food. cartoons. food.  target.  starbucks.  and about 800 color pages and arguments over the pink crayons.
Oh and lets talk about Baker's obsession with climbing on top of everything.  I turn my back for three seconds and she's on top of the kitchen table helping herself to all the pink crayons in the box and driving her big sisters insane.
my fridge is full of uneaten leftovers and my kids are living on hot dogs and chicken nuggets.. and the occasional box of mac and cheese.  but its the "healthy" organic kind..and I bake the chicken nuggets, so that makes it all better- right?
most of the time we end up eating cereal or toast with peanut butter.
I also have been telling myself that I'll put away the laundry that's been folded on top of the dryer for, oh, about two weeks.
taking a nap in lieu of these household chores sounds so much better.

 last weekend we met my brother and his girlfriend for brunch..and omg. it has been a minute since I have had brunch THIS amazing. chicken and waffles is probably my favorite thing on any brunch menu (its a southern thing, for sure).  the chicken had a bit of sriracha spice and the maple syrup was just the right amount of sweetness.. I'm still thinking about that meal a week later..

 ...oh and pancakes as big as yo'face!  these were on the KIDS menu!  c'mon. 
as you can see, miss Parker Jane cleaned that plate.
 there has been a lot of baby brother talk.  Jolie caught me getting out of the shower and casually, with a tiny bit of fear in her voice, said "that baby brother going to come out of your tummy YET?!!"
we spent almost the entire weekend in the nursery organizing.  I've mentioned before that his room is the smallest room in the house and the closet is even more pitiful.. but Jordan spent so much time in there this last week rearranging and adding shelving and rods to make the best use of that space. He also finished redoing the changing table.. which used to be a mint green chalkboard paint color with broken drawer pulls and a bottom drawer wasn't usable. and alas.. a little sanding and bright white paint.. and new copper pulls I found at hobby lobby at 50% off and we have a brand new piece! there is a door that goes over the open shelving you see on the right.. but the hinges of that door were also painted mint green:)  so we need to switch those out, but I kind of like the open shelving idea.. if I can find some wire baskets to fill the space? what do ya'll think?
finding baskets is my goal this week  I want to have baskets on the shelves regardless (for diapers and wipes and those baby essentials because the drawers will definitely be used for his clothes), but with or without the door..?
decisions, decisions!
 in the meantime we will be folding all the tiny things because the girls, especially the big girls, can stop wont stop..
and Baker's hat.  child kills me. I'm sort of bummed we are basically having the most mild mannered winter ever, but 50 degrees can still warrant knit hats. 
knit hats with giant poms. 

 ending this post how it began.. with food.
sunday dinner this week consisted of leftover crock pot salsa chicken + a bit of shredded cheese + some kind of bulgar grain mix I had left over in the fridge from lunch last week.. rolled into a corn tortilla. oh and tomatillo hot sauce and + sour cream.
survival of the fittest.
here's to a happy Monday!!
..about how I feel about it, too, gals.
that bed head is something fierce.


five on friday

still feeling pretty under the weather.. going on 10 days over here (eye roll!) but hoping these meds will be able to kick this mess soon. 

one. cheeks for dayys.
Brady wins. we got the best frontal view of his little face on the sonogram at my 31 week checkup this week and we were all giggling over how full his cheeks are!  it totally made my entire week!
two. registry picks?
I dont have a registry for baby number four, but I have a handful of things I "need" to be fully prepared for baby Brady's arrival!  I didnt buy hardly anything as far as baby gear goes when Baker was born but this time I'm having a b o y and need to get myself some boy gear!

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three. we have paint! and a crib! 
I cant stop looking at that barn door.  it was this door that provided my original inspiration for Brady's "industrial farmhouse" nursery. knabe woodwork is THEE BEST.  this baby boy's room is coming together so perfectly!  at the moment the floor is covered in baby boy things and paint drop cloths because Jordan has been working on putting the finishing touches to the changing table and getting new hardware installed. the "plan" is to finish it this weekend:)  I feel like a broken record here talking about the "almost finished nursery!" but i swear.. 
we are almost finished
four. this + that
its no secret that I am a giant supporter of shopping small and have developed some amazing relationships through growing this blog and over social media.  these mama's that work their tails off to provide something unique and full of handmade quality and being able to share their brand is amazing.  Baker has worn golden hill designs since birth and now baby Brady has his very own stash of these amazing onesies!! these are my favorite for layering under cardigans and dresses during the cooler months and they were a life saver for dressing my newborn when it was 104 degrees outside in July.  I cannot wait to get his little self into these!!  
we also got a box of goodies from Nuby this week and it took everything I had to keep Baker out of the pacifier stash!  how amazing do these silicone bottles look?!  I am excited to try them! 
five.  meal planning
I've had a wild hair to cook over the last couple weeks which has brought me back to meal planning for the first time this entire pregnancy.  before now my meal plan has consisted of pre-made salad bags, cereal, or peanut butter + banana toast. I'm trying to get myself motivated to make two or three meals throughout the week in hopes that I can start freezing some things to have on hand when Brady arrives.
this week I made baked chicken chimichangas and failed to arrange them on a rimmed pan and the butter I brushed on them to crisp up the tortilla in the oven ran off and burned to the bottom of my oven and smoked out our entire house.  it smelled like smoke for 2 days up in here!
I also made spaghetti lasagna last night. it makes a GIANT dish and we will have leftovers through the weekend for sure.
I have this bulgur + black bean enchilada casserole on our meal plan for next week.. along with chicken alfredo baked ziti and I'm pulling out my slow cooker for white chicken + quinoa chili

happy,  happy Friday, friends!


a little bit of Brady | 31 weeks

31 weeks.
first things first- this belly is LEGIT.  I'm carrying him SO much different than I did the twins and Baker.  I carried Baker lower than I carried the twins because I wasn't really working out prior to that pregnancy and whatever abdominal muscles I did have weren't much use after a twin belly + bed rest to hold her up as high as I could have.  I thought for sure this pregnancy would be different since I had been doing bootcamp both before and after getting pregnant with Brady but those hopes were a complete waste of thought.  tops and tees I wore my entire pregnancy with Baker cannot even be forced over half of my belly now at 31 weeks.  
c'est la vie
that being said, I have discovered that I am most comfortable in midi dresses and sneakers.. the weather has been so random and hitting upwards of 70 degrees here in Dallas, so I've been able to get away with this kind of comfort wear in.. January.
and if I am at home its rare you'll catch me in anything else far from my pink blush pajama pants and a pure body tee from Gap.  

we went for my 31 week check up with my OB yesterday.  Baker tagged along while the twins were at preschool and she was just the cutest little thing while we watched baby brother dance on the sonogram screen.  her little surprised face when Brady's heartbeat came loud of over monitor at 170bpm.  she has no idea the changes that are about to happen in the short weeks to come, but she sure was proud to tote around that sonogram picture of her little brother for the rest of the day.

Brady update 
our little man is growing perfectly- and for the first time he's literally right on track for gestational age.  he's been measuring at least a week or two ahead from the very get go, and yesterday I was 32 weeks and 2 days and he's measuring 32 weeks and 3 days.
four whole pounds of baby boy in this belly- with perfect little lips and button nose, and HOLY cheeks!!  he also wouldn't keep his hands out of his mouth.
I just cannot WAIT to meet him!!  
after swooning over his little face long enough (but its never long enough, am I right??) the sonographer got down to business in checking out all the important things.. good news is that the fluid around Brady's right kidney has completely resolved itself, but the not so great news is that the fluid around his left kidney has significantly increased since the last time we checked him out.  he's laying on his left side and she kept having trouble getting a good look at the kidney because of the shadows of his ribs kept showing up on the sono.. but from the measurements she got it jumped up in size a lot.  SO- that means we are going back to our perinatologist next week to hopefully get a better look and idea of how that kidney is actually doing and if the measurements were just off because of how he's positioned.  if that kidney truly is compromised, which we hope and pray it isn't, he might be making his debut a couple weeks early. 
again, with all the unknown about this, its all a little overwhelming to think about.  we have had our fair share of high risk "complications" and taken the proper precautions with pregnancies before and our girls have all been born perfectly fine and healthy, but the waiting game kills me on all this. 
 striped midi-dress (non maternity) similar // cardigan (similar)
mama update 
well.  apparently I'm really sick. I've been battling cough and congestion for about a week now and chalked it up to allergies and after being scolded by my OB and repeated "I told you so" from Jordan.. I was diagnosed with bronchitis.  Walsh could hear me two rooms down hacking up a lung while waiting my turn to be seen and the first thing she did when she walked in the room was listen to my chest and lungs and made me promise to stay in bed for the next two days.
"you look like death on a platter, girl. go to bed."
other things.. the polyhydramnios has remained stable!  my fluid levels haven't changed much, yet again, which is a relief.  I could tell by the way I've been feeling the last week or so that I was less tight and more comfortable while sitting, standing, laying..  a couple weeks ago I didn't even feel like I could bend over or eat much more than toast or cereal at meal times.. and when sitting or laying I felt like I was suffocating because of the weight.  BUT thankfully that has resolved, more or less.  I'm still measuring about a month ahead, but no where near like I was.  
since taking those steroids at 29 weeks to encourage Brady's lung development in case he does happen to come earlier than planned, the braxton hicks have been NONSTOP.  she did say that this would be a side effect of the steroids, and so she prescribed me procardia to take twice a day. I took procardia in my pregnancy with the twins when I went into preterm labor and was placed on bed rest, so I know the drill. 
no bed rest at this point because all looks well with that, but just to be safe and keep those contractions at bay for these remaining weeks this is the plan.
so.  this is basically my life right now.
ridiculous.  but feeling better and sleeping better AND keeping Brady put for at least 8 more weeks is on the immediate agenda.
for now, I'm soaking up these moments with my girls before this baby boy comes.  Baker has all the sudden become SO BIG and I can't hardly stand it. 
Parker and Jolie ask every single day when its time for baby brother to come out.  
thinking about Brady being my last baby is by far the most emotional part about all of this. I love being a mom.  I love carrying a baby.  I love the newborn stage, even when I'm running on coffee and 2 hours of sleep.  I love to watch my older kids grow and bond and accept the new addition.  thinking that this will be my last time to do all that over again is hard.  
but Brady boy, you are already SO loved and we are over the moon to add you into this mix of crazy.
pajama pants c/o (similar) // maternity basic tee 
maternity long sleeve henley // polka dot pajama pants c/o (similar)


five on friday

we have been quite under the weather this week.  it started with Parker coming down with croup on Sunday night and its made its way to my lungs and I've been hacking ever since..and then yesterday Jordan all the sudden is feeling whimpy.  its been a slow week over here. I hate feeling like this!  it doesn't help that I'm not sleeping that great, so overall I could literally just crawl in my bed and stay there. BUT.. aside from feeling a bit blah, its been an okay week!

one. nursery progress
we finally FINALLY decided on a paint color and slapped it on the walls this week!  Brady's nursery has literally been "finished" for over a month, aside from a couple décor details, but everything has been just sitting on the floor in the middle of the room while we went around and around about paint colors.  I ultimately decided on SW Dorian Grey for the walls and SW Repose Grey for the ceiling. both fall under the greige color category and I totally love the way it looks now that the room is finally painted!  Jordan has grand plans to put the crib together and the chair..and finish sanding and painting the changing table this weekend:)  the changing table was a major steal of a deal at $35 bucks found on the facebook garage sale page for our neighborhood (thanks, Britt!).  a little paint and some new drawer pulls and its literally the perfect fit! 
I cant wait to share more details.

two. baby boy things + sale!
I can't can't can't handle how cute baby boy things are. I will admit that gap didn't impress me over the summer and spring for the girl things but browsing this morning after getting an email about their sale (50% off!!) I am filling my cart with all the boy things!!
skinny jeans for an infant? sign me up!!

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three. finding balance..?
so, I still definitely have polyhydramnios. BUT  this week I have felt less "large" and more proportionate than I have in awhile. not getting too ahead of myself about that because I'm still catching all the attention of anyone that wants to express how big I am.. I also feel like since I took those steroids for Brady's lungs last week homeboy hasn't stopped dancing up in my ribs and I swear he's wearing his tap shoes and practicing on my bladder.
oh, and lets mention that I've been having Braxton Hicks non-stop.
which is 100% normal for me! but I have been having them much less with him than with the girls.. up until now.
I head to my OB on Tuesday for another sonogram.  I always look forward to seeing his little button nose.

four. full circle
last weekend, on a whim, we went to visit my parents. we decided that this would probably be the last time we would be able to visit them before the baby comes and maybe our only "free" weekend to go, so we went. I snapped this picture of Baker and my dad watching the football game on Saturday (Baker LOVES my dad) and this week he sent me an oldie of he and I when I was probably just a couple months old.
a couple things:
I haven't seen this picture in probably 12 years.
..and my dad has turned into such a sap. he is NOT a sap and never has been.  EVER.
so many good things and good feelings.

five. for the sweet sister love
spending time with my girls this week makes me realize how much is about to change.  we are on the tail end of having just the three of them in the house before baby brother makes his arrival and it makes me so emotional to think about! Baker basically looks like a giant these days and her interaction with the twins is on HIGH right now.  she cannot go to bed without hugs and sugars from her two big sisters and if you asked me how this all came about I would have no idea because its basically slapped me in the face.
good lord I am so thankful for them.
this is what life is about, folks.
I cant wait for a lazy weekend with my favorite people.
a few more links and love for your Friday..
if you are a Bachelor fan- you have to check out Ashley's recapscrying.
I'm totally making these BBQ chicken and pineapple lettuce wraps this weekend.. and if I feel really crazy I try out her turkey tortilla soup, too!
I bought this nursing bra online and it came this week.. its nursing bra GOLD, I tell you!  I also love their seamless bra (I have four!) and wore them for the entire year after having and nursing Baker.  I also went ahead and got this nursing cami to toss in my hospital bag.

happy Friday!!


baker bree | 18 months

in the hustle and bustle of the holidays I totally spaced and didn't share an 17 month update on this little chicken.  here we are a full month after the fact for a little bit about miss Baker Bree:)
I took Baker for her 18 month well check up today- and she's healthy as a horse!  we had a pretty nasty double ear infection a couple weeks ago but her ears are clear and she looks great!
also.  those pigtails are just KILLER.

our big growing girl is currently weighing in at 24 pounds and 7oz (55th%), and 32.7cm (77th%).. still wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.. although I do have a pack of size 5's that I plan to bust out once we are finished with what we have in size 4:)

Baker Bree
you aren't the girliest of all girlie but you aren't a tomboy either..
perhaps the perfect balance and blend of the two.
you love to be outside running right along Parker in nothing but your bare feet and diaper..
but this month you discovered what fun the dress up boxes are.
..your sashay while wearing those hot pink plastic princess heels is my absolute favorite.  
..arms up and hips swaying. get it, girl. 
you are fiercely independent and I can find you in any room of the house helping yourself to whatever you can get into.
your absolute favorite game right now is opening and shutting (slamming) doors.
we can walk through the house at any given time and every single door will be shut.
..and then we will find you in the pantry sorting the recyclables. 
"HI", slam. "HIIIIIIEEEE", slam. "DAH-DA!! HI.", slam.
you are way too sweet for words, Bakes.
you have a way about you that brings a smile to our face (and everyone else's, too!)
..even when you are getting reprimanded.  I wish I could justly describe it with words. 
your pursed lips, head tilt, eyebrows raised, half-smile as if you are saying
.."really, mom.."
and then there are the low eyes and pouty face.
..pushed out lip and everything.
something doesn't go as you think it is supposed to you walk away arms straight at your side and eyes raised just enough to see in front of you.
making a statement before you plop down face first onto to floor.
..all of it to grab attention of whoever might be watching.
its literally the funniest thing I have ever seen.

your interest in the television is new this month. you discovered Mickey and all his friends.. and that mouse has hung your baby moon! 
at 16-17months you didn't have much of a vocabulary outside of mama and dad.
but words are coming easier to you this month. seems like you pick up a word or two every other day.
you are so incredibly smart!
new consistent words at 18 months: cheese, shoes, fish(y), hi, bye, Jolie, Parker, Oscar, dog, more, done, "uh-huh", no, yes, mama, dad, and you'll say papa here and there.
oh.  and MINE.
while you aren't putting sentences together, you understand everything we say 100%.
..that includes things I've never shown you or said to you, you get it.
blows me away.
..every time.
you have also started to show a major interest in the potty..
..telling me every time you need a new diaper and attempting to strip down to nothing when you are in the potty.
maybe you'll fall in line with your big sisters and get this potty thing down pretty soon..?

you continue to love to help mom and dad.
..THE biggest helper ever.
you absolutely love to feed and water the dogs.  
place the dog bowl.  open the dog food tub.  fill the cup. dump the cup.
every morning.
every evening. 
your dad is (still) your hero. absolutely love nothing more than to spend every moment of your day tagging along with him.
and let no one interrupt that special time!
..not even your mama.
you are one vibrant little chica.., little girl, are enthusiastic about everything!! 
coloring and puzzles are your absolute favorite at the moment.  I mention the idea for either and before I have time to even make a step you are screaming "YEA!!" and running like a banshee through the house.
..straight to the kitchen table to get 'set up' for a major art show.
basically, anything your sisters are doing is right where you need/want to be.
coloring away, organizing the pencils or crayons and stacking the color papers. find joy in all of it!
Favorite Foods: mac and cheese, goldfish crackers, egg tacos, bacon, mexican rice, tortilla, oatmeal, toast with peanut butter, english muffin with butter, guacamole, string cheese, chicken nuggets, smoothies, chicken nuggets, fish, granola bars.. yogurt, milk.  yogurt yogurt yogurt..and milk.  
all day long. water is another 'fav'
.. actually, you will drink anything I give you faster than I can keep up. 
you totally take after Jolie on that one.  
you also take after Jolie (and your mama) on the sleep front:
you are a rockstar sleeper.
..even when you don't feel well or are cutting teeth.
you typically nap nearly 3 hours during the day and sleep 13-14 hours at night.

I am thankful for the 'happy' you have about 97% of the time.
everyone always compliments how very happy you are..
because you just beam, girlfriend.
you love to sing when no-one is listening.
..and bee-bop when no one is watching.
the chatter that emerges from my backseat while we are in the car is the cutest ever.
mama is here to dance to your hums, shimmy to your favorite tunes (even if there aren't any), and will always have an ear to listen to your chatter.
seventeen/eighteen month photo dump


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