Baker hit 10 weeks old on Saturday and I just cant get over how quickly time is flying. If at all possible- this mama thing for the second time around (because P+J are sort of a unit in that aspect..right?) is more fleeting than the first time around. Part of me is dying inside because of that and the other part is eager to see how our sweet littlest sister grows up next to Parker and Jolie. She is growing like a weed thats for sure and heres a short list of things we've used on repeat over this last month:)
Boon Grass Drying Rack
A bottle drying rack isn't usually at the top of your baby purchases, but after going through a couple of the $10 spinning racks with the twins I wanted to try something different this time. This simple drying rack makes it easy to organize the smaller accessories to my breast pump as well as bottles and nipples. We actually have the lawn version (a little bigger) so that we can also use it for the twins' sippy cups, lids, and straws. I like it because even though it seems like discretion is impossible when you have 843 bottles and parts lining your countertops, this is pretty low profile compared to the tower-o-bottles. I like the way it looks and it holds quite a bit!
Dr. Brown's Bottle Warmer
We never used a bottle warmer with the twins and after 12 months of warming water in two huge cups for 3 minutes in the microwave only to set the bottles into for another 5 minutes, we said over and over again we would definitely splurge on a bottle warmer for the next one. I actually have somehow ended up with a couple warmers and Dr. Brown's is by far my favorite. It is 100% digital and comes with an easy warming chart based on your bottle type (glass or plastic) and the amount of milk/formula you have in the bottle. You also don't have to use Dr. Brown's specific bottles - it is made to fit many varieties, which is a plus. Set the timer for your recommend warming time and the bottle comes out to optimal temperature. Warm enough to mimic coming from the breast. We use it often and it's going to be really handy when Baker takes a bottle a few times a day while I am at work - so easy for her daddy and BB to use! Thats the very best part about it - how easy it is to use.
Old Navy Sleepers
I am a huge fan of Carter's during this stage of life - I loved that brand and the way it fit the twins up until they were probably 15 months old. Having a newborn again reminded me of what an awesome brand it is -- they have no idea who I am:) That being said- Old Navy has become another newborn favorite as far as having something for Baker to sleep and play in (hence the name, right??) The floral patterns have me purchasing these one pieces in every single size, and not to mention how perfect the color block ones are, too! Fit and style - the best of both.
The Wonder Weeks // the app
Thankfully Baker is pretty even keeled and laid back- aside from sitting in her carseat she doesn't fuss or rumble a ton. There have been a handful of days that I feel like she's insatiable and just wants to nurse for every moment I'm near out of comfort and not even because she's hungry. Obviously I know that in this stage of development babies are always evolving and a growth spurt seemed just around the corner because surely she is extra fussy because XYZ. We all just want a for sure answer to that question. Ashley shared an app she had been using and holy mackerel..within moments of downloading it I devoured every word. It described verbatim what I was going through with Baker and it made SO much sense. The app is based on a book sharing the same title (which I have not purchased) and describes 10 developmental growth spurts known as "The Wonder Weeks". These are different from physical growth spurts - but the timing coincides on occasion. During these weeks your babe is putting energy into learning new skills, and her brain is growing and changing more than it ever will again in their rest of their life which often results in the same fussiness, clinginess, and change in eating patterns that can happen with a physical growth spurt. Probably the best and most informative app I have ever used - it has been fun to share it with other mama friends and compare where our babies are and have been.
Hanging Toys
According to my Wonder Weeks app (really its that good) after this last completed 'leap' Baker is able to flap/feel toys and focus more intently on those that are close to her face. Baker is starting to interact and make explosive sounds as a reaction to her daddy, me, or her crazy sisters! These hanging toys keep her occupied while in the swing, carseat, and doing tummy time. Her favorite and the one she seems to hold to strongest interest in has to be this elephant we have hanging from her carseat- I love hearing the sweetest coos coming from the back seat when she's made 'eye contact' with her new little bestie.
Nyme Organics
I was introduced to Nyme Organics about a month ago when owner and creator, Lauren reached out. We've been doing some trial and error with soaps, lotions, and detergents because Baker's skin seems to react with things that don't typically seem very harsh. A few weeks ago Jordan threw a t-shirt in the wash with Baker's clothing and although we washed it Dreft, Jordan's shirt had previously been washed in Tide. It was like that entire load had been contaminated and Baker broke out into a terrible rash after I put a sleeper on her that had been washed recently. We have even changed the diapers we use- the tried and true Pampers cause redness anywhere the diaper touches. Parker had these same issues and has since grown out of it, so I hope and assume that Baker will do the same. Until then we are keeping the rashes and redness at bay by using the most gentle products we can find. Nyme has an entire line of all natural and organic products..and we especially love the Oatmeal Cookie Bath. Just about 20 minutes using their blend of oats, marshmallow root, calendula, and chamomile calms Baker's skin almost immediately. I use their oatmeal bath about once a week as a preventative and more as needed if we run into anything thats irritated her skin. It has been a serious 'life saver' for that sweet girl. Head over to Instagram for a fun giveaway with NYME and your chance to win a Newborn Bundle Pack:)
Other baby things..
We are still using everything I mentioned in the Postpartum Favorites Post, but most of all loving my favorite swaddle blankets, these comfy onesies, and the amazing solly wrap . While I often use the solly wrap when carrying Baker, I have really enjoyed using the City Select stroller with the carseat adapter and without the second seat. Thats a first! Can I say that I LOVE my stroller with just one seat - ha! It is literally so light and easy to maneuver versus the weight of two. Parker and Jolie do really well with holding my hand and staying close, so using the stroller for just one has been pretty convenient.
Of course this list doesn't include the hundreds of diapers + wipes we've gone through:)
As always- I'm up for suggestions!

In terms of laundry detergent, we love seventh generation natural laundry detergent free and clear powder. Me and my girls all have very sensitive skin and eczema, and this detergent works amazing for all of us! I started using it even when my second was a newborn 11 months ago and it was gentle enough even then!
Oh! And for nursing leaks...these atrcthe best!
I used several different diapers with my daughter and the best I found, by far, were the Kirkland diapers. Not sure if Baker is big enough for those yet? We also loved their Tencil (sp?) wipes. When my baby was tiny I was all about Huggies organic diapers with Winnie the Pooh on the front and a cut out for the belly button. Thank you for the tips! We've been trying to get pregnant for over a year and we are looking into Clomid now. After reading your posts on the difference between one and two I'm a little weary, but then I see how much fun the girls are together and I get excited (twins run in our family on both sides, soo.... it's a definite possibility). You're doing great Mamas!
Did you ever use a wrap on the twins? I love the solly wrap and I love the idea of baby wearing. I'm just not sure how easy it is to do with two!
Can it be 2 months already?! Wowza. So glad you're all doing well, and I hope our Canopy is helping to simplify life with the little ladies!
I am so intrigued by the "Wonder Weeks" app! I will definitely be downloading that in 7 months.
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