Our life.
We've spent the last 13 years together living this roller coaster of life and my how much has changed. Over the last 3 years our life has been less about 'us' and more about 'them'.
Them being the greatest accomplishments of our lives - our sweet, sweet girls.
It has taken some manipulating and change to continue to make our time together as 'us' just as special as before, but there is no denying that its different. I am laying here, as I type, with three baby girls in my bed and Bubble Guppies on the DVR. Thats a good different:)
Recently Jordan started to have real conversations with Jolie and Parker about Jesus, boys, life, love..
As real of a conversation you can have with a two and a half year old toddler(s).
I knew he was doing this, but it didn't resonate as something they were understanding until one night at the dinner table he asked Jolie a very important question.
"Jolie, Who's my favorite girl?"
Mama!!! she replied and I just about lost my mind with a flood of tears.
I am his number one after The Lord and I have remained there throughout these last 10 years of marriage + 3 years before that.
I'm his favorite girl, and he makes me feel that way on a daily basis.
BB and Papa took the twins on Wednesday evening for a sleep over and kept them all day so that Jordan and I could spend the day together to celebrate this milestone anniversary. We 'slept in' until 8am, drank coffee together, ate breakfast and watched the news and then Kelly and Michael. Leisurely spent the morning doing 'quiet' things without getting caught up in the busy-ness of being parents. I spent a full hour getting myself ready (hair and makeup) and then we headed out for lunch.
Hi. I would like a truckload of sushi on a platter, please.
Our server finally told us that 'we were done' after she caught me glancing through the sushi menu again while she cleared the empty plates that sat in front of us.
It was a long 9 months - don't judge.
After lunch we sat down for a movie - the matinee seating on a Thursday. We were the only folks in the theater. Our perfect day ended as we headed to our favorite spot of the neighborhood to meet Brittany to capture the last moments of the sun as well as the end of this decade together.
This day-date was the perfect and only way I would have asked to spend our anniversary.
With they guy of my dreams, still 10 years later.
On August 14th, ten years ago I remember leaving the hotel (very tired) to catch a plane to the Bahamas. It was my first trip to anywhere and I was taking it with the most perfect person, ever.
This morning, on August 14th, I woke very early and very tired, from a sleepless night of feeding a baby every couple hours and our other babies tapping me on the forehead and asking for chocolate milk. Heading into another day of parenthood with the most perfect person, ever.
My how things have changed.
But the change is perfect.

Ohmygosh sounds like a perfect way to celebrate an anni!! We are doing low-key anniversary celebrating later this month, too, and I wish our anni fell on a weekday now! Also, loving your couples photo shoot!
I absolutely love this. What a great day! And the photos are gorgeous!! Happy Anniversary!
Happy 10 years of marriage and 13 years of being together!! Such beautiful photos. Sushi is definitely the way to go~
liz @ sundays with sophie
LOVE these photos! Putting you two first is so important and truly trickles down to the 3 happiest and very loved little girls ;)
I love reading your blog! I was diagnosed in November with PCOS. Reading your blog gives me so. much. hope. that one day my husband and I's arms will be as full as our hearts! Congratulations on your marriage and your three sweet girls. :)
Congratulations on 10 years :) What an accomplishment! I think "day dates" are the best too :)
Congrats on 10 years!!!!Beautiful pics
Love 💗
Oh my gosh, you guys are SO cute! What a perfect day. Happy, happy anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! You guys are so adorable.
Happy Anniversary - you are both an inspiration to other couples out there!
Congratulations - what a milestone and a great journey so far x
Happy Anniversary! The pics are so good!! You should do a hari tutorial, woudl love to see how you get those natural looking waves!
Happy Anniversary! The pics are so good!! You should do a hari tutorial, woudl love to see how you get those natural looking waves!
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