Sleep in this house has been a weird source of frustration, joy, discouragement, confusion, and peace. So many, many things can happen in two short years, but one thing is for sure- sleep has not blessed us with it's presence on a regular basis.
I am one of those people that had their twin newborns sleeping through the night at 2 weeks. We had to wake them for feedings every three to four hours or else they and we would sleep right through. With their petite size, we couldn't afford to have them miss the opportunity to eat, so we were setting alarms. ALL was well until month 2. Jolie was diagnosed with torticollis and we were flung into a time of forcing her to sleep in a rather uncomfortable position - causing her to basically scream about 60% of the night. Welcome to the sleepless nights that were 2-6 months. Parker, however, slept right through it all. She was our master sleeper.
Until month 6. Jolie finally gained full range of motion in her neck and found sleep easily, and Parker started teething, and stopped sleeping.
From 6 months through 15 months, neither were very good sleepers. If they were sick, stuffy, teething, feverish.. or just simply growing, they did not sleep well. Four out of seven nights we were awake with at least one of them. We did everything, and everything worked - until it didn't.
Then finally the age of 15 months hit, and sleep settled in on this house.
Can someone hear the angels singing?
Since then, teething and stuffy heads keep these girls awake on occasion, but for the most part, they sleep well.
Right before their second birthday, little petite Jo Grace started having nightmares (what else..) and while we attempted to keep her in the bed, she made every way she could OUT of it. Even after dropping the entire mattress to the floor, she still managed to meet me at the bedside.
There is something unnerving about waking to your young child 4 inches from your face asking for a banana at 2am.
So, we pulled off the front ends of their cribs. Getting them to stay in bed for the first week or so was cake.. and then the cake was old and, again, they were strolling though out bedroom at 2am. Not just Jolie, but Parker, too.
Finally, two months in, they have started to stay in their cribs again.
The biggest problem we're having is keeping their blankets and baby dolls and pillow on their beds for the entire night. Most common reason for waking at night is that they have lost Puppy, or Wubby, and are cold.
When I was contacted to try out Beddy's, the video (here) had me at hello. I couldn't event image how much easier it could get when it comes to toddler's and keeping their beds tidy.
Growing up I was obsessed with order and my room was immaculate- even to the point that I would sleep on top of my made bed so I wouldn't have to make it in the morning.
Jordan and my youngest brother used to move things around in my room at my parents house to drive me mad and then laugh about it.
If only Beddy's was around 22 year's ago.
When we tried them out on Parker and Jolie's toddler day beds, they were a little too big, but nothing that a few sheet grippers couldn't fix. Beddy's basically takes the place of your fitted sheet, your flat sheet, and comfy quilt. All three zip together for easy making in the morning.
Jolie & Parker absolutely LOVE to 'make' their bed.
The entire outside is quilted in gorgeous fabrics - I am obsessed with the Perfectly MisMatched Beddy's for Parker and Jolie's room. It goes perfectly with their original nursery color scheme, but gives it a grown-up big girl feel to their room.
There is no way I could financially re-do their room into a big girl room + build the dreamy nursery I have planned right now. This is a perfect transition.
The zipper access for the quilt is on both sides, along with expanding comfort panels. This makes it comfortable and cozy for sleeping without feeling confined to a 'sleeping bag'. The comfort panels (in sweetly soft minky fabric) offer more coverage and feels like a “normal” comforter or blanket.
Parker and Jolie stay covered all night!
For washing, the entire comforter comes right off and straight into the washing machine.
E A S Y.
Each set of Beddy's comes with the option of additional throw pillows to match.
So in love with the coral and touch of turquoise.
With each Beddy's set comes a standard size pillow sham and matching pillow case.
Their 'new bed' made these girls feel extra big.
And so excited to go to sleep! Jolie was up under the covers the moment we put it all together.
Nap time was the first time we got to use the new Beddy's comfort system.
I'd say she's cozy.
...45 minutes later. Hasn't moved a muscle.
Jolie is in there. Up under the covers, her Puppy..and Elmo is in there somewhere.
I've already got my plans laid for baby girl number three and her Beddy's. They have a new Vintage Blush option, and holy excited am I.
I mean, I am already planning a toddler bed for the baby thats still in my womb.
I'm telling you, Beddy's is the way to go.
If you are thinking about all things (and stresses!!) that go along with transition to a toddler room/bed mark the thought of bedding off your list.
Even better - Beddy's has the option for Twin, Full, and Queen size! I'd say you're all set.
Who's ready to make that 2 year old move to a twin bed?
I mean, I am already planning a toddler bed for the baby thats still in my womb.
I'm telling you, Beddy's is the way to go.
If you are thinking about all things (and stresses!!) that go along with transition to a toddler room/bed mark the thought of bedding off your list.
Even better - Beddy's has the option for Twin, Full, and Queen size! I'd say you're all set.
Who's ready to make that 2 year old move to a twin bed?

Wow, what a great idea! Wish I had known about these a year ago.
Nice review, but I just can't fathom spending $259.00 on this bedding! It's great that you were gifted over $500 in bedding for your review, but I think the cost of beddys is crazy!
Have you tried a toddler clock to teach your girls when it's OK to get out of bed?
This is amazing! I think Sydney would love the lavender one!!!
I love these, maybe I can buy one this month and one next month - ha! Do your kids not fall off the bed? That's what I am worried about. Right now I have the foam bumpers underneath their fitted sheets, is their extra room for those? I haven't moved them yet, they turned 2 in Jan and haven't even shown interest in climbing out of their cribs yet. Just hanging tight at the moment!
This looks really neat. I have a daughter who just turned two on Valentine's day and another daughter on the way due in May. My daughter is still waking a couple of times in the night because she can't find her lovey...I have been toying with the idea of switching her to a toddler bed, but haven't decided just yet.
I will check these out for when I do decide to do the transition.
Hey girl. Thanks for the review. My first thought was EEK, price. And then I walked into my 3 girls shared room (not for long) and the state of their beds...blankets...pillows...nothing matching, nothing folded...everything ASKEW...well, my type A self almost died, right there on the spot. And as we are about to take the front bar off the twinks cribs, Beddy's makes perfect, organized, beautiful, minky soft sense. And so I think I can get the hubs behind three sets with the 10% off coupon. All the best!
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